02. Feathers Flying

Start from the beginning

        Again, I smiled in amazement and stared in aw. But my smile soon withered away, turning into a frown. What the hell is going on? What am I...some sorta'v freak? I whipped my hand away causing all the papers to land on the ground. 

        "Wow" I whispered.

        After the whole incident that occurred last night, I went straight to bed. I just wanted to wake up and hoped that I was dreaming. But I wasn't because all the papers that I magically moved was all over the floor. So much for normal.

        I tried to act like nothing was wrong. I got dressed in a dark red plaid dress with a thin dark blue cardigan and pulled my blonde hair into a side ponytail. Aunt Jenna was already gone and I knew I wouldn't see her for the rest of today. When I looked our of the front door's little hole, I saw Stiles leaning against his jeep, waiting for me.

         I leaned against the door, my back against it, and took a deep breath. How am I suppose to face him when I know what had happened last night.

        Finally coming to a decision, I shook my head, "I'm not gonna tell him."

        Letting out another deep breath, I turned around and opened the door. Stiles smiled widely once he saw me walked towards him.

        "Finally, took ya long enough." He called out.

        I giggled, "Shut up, Stilinski."

        He opened the door for me, ushering me into the passenger's seat. He hoped into the driver's seat. For the first minute of driving, it was silent. So I decided to break it, "Did you do research on the deer?"

        "Yeah but all deer accidents in Beacon Hills, the deer were crossing the road not plummeting into the windshield, straight through."

        I rose my eyebrows, "So why would a deer go straight through?"

        "I don't know."

        After I had got out of the jeep, I rushed off to meet Allison and Lydia since I had promised them to meet before first period. But as I walked down the hallway, I felt like hiding. While people walked past me, they left lingering looks. Girls would giggle mockingly at me while guys would just snicker. Until I met Scott and Stiles, I didn't have any friends. And after my parent's death, people didn't give me sympathy. They just made fun because I was an orphan.

        Finally, I found Allison, who was putting her spiral notebooks into her locker. I walked over to her, leaning on the locker that was next to her's, "Hey."

        Allison didn't respond at first but she glanced around for a moment, "Why are some people staring at you?"

        "The other kids," I sighed, "they think I'm weird."


        I shrugged before I saw Lydia walking over to us. Lydia and I weren't exactly "friends" but we were friendly towards each other. The strawberry blonde just glanced at all the new, hot, freshman who were walking around.

        "Someone looking for a boyfriend?"

        Lydia sighed, "Freshman. Tons and tons of fresh man."

        The brunette rose her brows, "You mean fresh boys, Lydia they're fourteen."

        She waved her hand around, as if it was no big deal, "Some more mature than others."

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