Chapter 18

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I know I've used this song before but I don't care. It goes really well with the scene towards the end.

POV Rosalie

I held the small corgi to my chest as I walked up with Klaus.

He never left me in the car scared I could leave at any moment. Like I would want too or if I could. Well I could but I'm not.

"Rudy!" The woman called. "Rudy. Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you." The lady called out.

At that particular moment, Klaus swooped in silently, effectively scaring the woman. She held her chest but smiled when she saw the corgi in my hand.

Then slyly, he grinned, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He played that way to well.

"Can I help you?" She asked kind of rudely.

"Yeah, my car hmm, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. I feel like me and my love here have been walking forever," He pointed to me and I held out the corgi to the woman. His American accent making me giggle.

She smiled taking the dog. "And yours is the first house I saw, so I was just hoping I could use your phone?" Klaus said and I could help but feel the edge to his voice. Almost demanding to be let in.

So I smiled at her and said, "if you don't mind ma'am. I'm expecting and am so tired." I said and her eyes widen.

"Poor thing." She said before turning to him with a scowl.

"Don't you have a cell phone?"

"Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer I just wanna use your phone." He said and she rolls her eyes.

"The girl can come in. You must wait outside." She growls out and I could see the angry look on Klaus face and I act quickly.

"Goodness thank you. Me and my husband appreciate it dearly. I would just feel better if he was with me. No offense." I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Telling him to play along.

"Sure," The woman sighed.

"Soo, I can come in?" Nik asked holding my stomach for the act.

Way to sound desperate. Jesus. I give him a pointed look.

"No, I'll have the girl sit on the chair before I get the phone." She said somewhat rudely and I roll my eyes before letting go of Nik. Letting him have at it.

I stop him and pull him back.

"Corgi?" I bite my lip in hope. I really wanted the fluffy dog. He shakes his head and I pout.

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting!"

She sneered, "I'm from Florida." Oh god. Worst. State. Ever. To damn humid.

"Well, that explains it," Klaus shrugged before grabbing her by the throat and compelling her.

"Now show us a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea."

I lead the way and Klaus followed close behind with the woman struggling in his grasp. He handed me the dog. Which resulted in me squealing happy.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning," Another woman drawled while washing plates. I huff at their lack of loyalty from the dog.

"Well, I know I would."

She turned around slowly and spotted her sobbing friend and the man holding her. As well as me who was grinning playing with the puppy who growls before taking my sleeve. Chewing on it.

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