Chapter 9

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POV Narrator

A few days had passed since the killing of the Original. Or so they thought.

When Elijah woke up he was annoyed and enraged. His mate was missing and he had a stake through his chest.

He quickly trying to find her. He knows she is Elena Gilbert's sister.

He had contacted his witches and they immediately went to help him. They knew they would die if they didn't.

He then caught wind of Elena Gilbert trying to give herself up to his brother Niklaus. He went to help.

Removing the men's heart he stared down at Rose, the man who stabbed him and the doppelgänger.

"I killed you. You were dead." The man spoke and Elijah kept his calm.

"Killed? No. I've been dead for a thousand years." He moved adjusting himself before looking at the doppelgänger.

"Now if you do not tell me where she is at I'm going to rip little boyfriends spine from his body." He spoke with a dangerous calm voice.

His mate was his main priority. Finding her after centuries and for her to look just like her ancestor that was never supposed to have a doppelgänger was.... astonishing to him.

"She...She is in my home. Sleeping on her bed. She hasn't left her room. Damon and Stefan refused to let her." She said and Elijah growled.

"Take me to her. Now." He growled and Damon spoke up.

"Why do you want to find her so badly?" He spoke and even though he already knew.

"She is my mate. If you have been alive long enough you would know the rules of the supernatural world." He hissed and Damon sighs nodding.

"Alright fair enough. Alright come with me. Time to go see my little bird."

As they were talking Rosalie had convinced Bonnie to let her out of the house.

She was tired. Dog tired. Every time she slept her dreams were plagued with images of different people. Different memories of these people that she had never met.

She had watched them kill and watched their vampire faces come out. She also saw Elijah with these people.

She as well had bruising all over her body making it hard to move or even comprehend what was happening.

That only lasted for a couple of hours but she did feel a constant pain in her chest. As if someone had took a dagger and plowed it through her heart.

Bonnie felt sorry for the girl and so she agreed to let the girl out for a couple hours.

Rosalie walked the path in her back yard but the minute she was in the trees she took off running to the crypt. Under the fells.

She had a vampire to see.


Rosalie entered the tomb where the opening was sealed off. She could just sense something behind the door.

Moving she took the bag she had under shoulder that was supposable carrying her arts supplies held clothing and blood.

She wasn't stupid. She saw where Damon put the blood bags for him and Stefan when they stayed over.

Going to the door of sorts she gently touched the door and it was like magic. It started opening itself.

She didn't know what was happening but she just shook it off.

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