You Get Sick and Another Boy Takes Care Of You

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You Get Sick and Another Boy Takes Care Of You

Harry: You’re eating dinner with Liam and Danielle before she rushes from the apartment to be on time for dance rehearsal. You decide to stay with Liam and watch movies, not wanting to go back to an empty apartment since Harry is home in Holmes Chapel. You’re stomach starts to clench as spit fills your mouth, a tall tell sign you’re going to be sick. You rush into the bathroom, curling over the toilet in time to retch into it as Liam pulls your hair back. He stays with you, flushing the toilet every so often and pressing a cool cloth to the back of your neck as he’s heard Harry do as you continue to dry heave. By the time you’re done, Liam is seated against the side of the bathtub, rubbing small circles on your back as you lean your head against the cool toilet seat. “You ok now?” he asks, helping you stand on shaky legs. He lifts you up and carries you into the guest room, pulling the covers up around you before rushing into the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water. “You just stay here for the night, yeah?” he asks, going to call Danielle only to find she too has been sick from the food. Harry takes him to lunch one day the next week in thanks for taking such great care of you while you were sick.

Liam: Zayn was waiting for Liam to return home from his family vacation, seated on the couch with you as you eagerly await your boyfriends return. You haven’t been feeling very well lately and a hot flush creeps up your cheeks before you’re rushing into the bathroom. Four hours later, you have yet to stop vomiting and Zayn has decided it’s time to take you to the hospital. Instead of greeting your boyfriend at home, you greet him at the hospital with appendixes.

Niall: You see Louis name on the screen of your phone, his daily call to make sure you were alright while Niall was away coming like clock work. He’s alarmed at the hoarseness in your voice as you talk and by the end of the phone call, Louis is walking into the apartment with they key Niall had given him. He spends the week with you until you’re better, fixing you cups of warm Yorkshire tea and bowls of chicken noodle soup. He washes your sheets every other day and disinfects the bathroom every time you use it. He holds your hair when you dry heave into the toilet, being at your beck and call while you’re sick and Niall is in Ireland. When Niall returns, he finds a miserable looking Louis curled underneath a blanket on the couch as you set a bowl of soup and tea in front of him. You make Niall stay at Louis apartment until Louis is no longer sick and you’ve had a chance to disinfect the whole apartment.

Louis: Niall was staying at the house you shared with Lou for the week. He needed a place to stay while his house was being renovated. Lou had to leave for a few days to go to Doncaster to do some things for his mom while Dan was away on business and suggested you stay with Niall. The day after he left, you had beginning to feel a large pain in your stomach and began to feel very nauseous. You got up from the couch you were watching television on with Niall and ran to the bathroom. He ran after you and asked if everything was alright. You weren’t sure if it was something you had eaten or what but you couldn’t get the nausea to go away. He walked in the bathroom as you continued to throw up hunched over the toilet. He walked up behind you and pulled your hair back behind your ears and out of the way. Once you had thought you were finished you cleaned yourself up and crawled into bed. Niall tucked you in and made sure to stay close by for the next time you felt the urge to heave your guts up.

Zayn: You were on tour with your boyfriend and it was interview time. Zayn and Liam were in the room next door and you were sitting outside in the hallway with Harry. You hadn’t been feeling well all morning but wanted to come with your boyfriend to be supportive. Harry noticed you wincing in pain as your side cramped up and expressed his concern. You had been sitting there in pain for a while when you finally broke, “Do you think you could help me back to the hotel?” “Absolutely love.” He agrees. He tells Andy to let Zayn know when he is finished with his interview that the two of them had headed back to the hotel because you weren’t feeling well. You were on your way to one of the cars the group of you had taken when you collapsed in pain. Harry immediately dialed 911 to get an ambulance all the while Zayn was still in his interview obliviously as to what was going on. Harry held you hand all the way to the hospital as he called Paul and told him to get Zayn and meet them at the hospital.

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