The Fans Recognize You While You're By Yourself

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The Fans Recognize You While You’re By Yourself

Harry: You were walking around the bookstore of your university when a group of young girls spots you. You can see them talking amongst themselves, pointing you out to their older sisters before they’re walking towards you. They timidly ask if you’re whom they think you are before asking to take a picture with you. You’re pleasantly surprised to see your name trending that night, a majority of the tweets being kind.

Liam: You’ve just parked your car down the street from the studio. There’s groups of girls huddled outside the studio the boys in, waiting for them to emerge to catch a glimpse of their favorite boys. You pull the beanie down over your hair while clutching your purse closer to chest as you walk closer to them. They notice you immediately as you make your way towards the security guards, calling your name and waving. You stop to take a few pictures with the girls, talking with them before disappearing into the building to pick Liam up.  

Niall: You’re waiting in line at Starbucks, standing to the side as they make your order when the girls behind you start to giggle. You continue to mind your own business as you wait, looking around the coffee shop at the other customers. Your name is called and you step forward to grab the drinks you’ve ordered for Niall and yourself. Later that night you see tweets about how you ignored the fans but Niall just presses his lips to yours when it begins to upset you.

Louis: They spot you out as you’re shopping for your best friend’s birthday. Lou was at the studio so you decided to do something besides sit around the house alone. You are known in the fandom as the sweetheart and you never disappoint. You talk to them like you’ve known them your entire life. You smile for pictures as you pose like you’re with your best friends. They only take about 15 minutes of your time and then your back to shopping.

Zayn: You never try to hide because you never think anyone will know who you really are. You’re out to dinner with your best friend when two fans recognize you. They don’t come over though, not knowing if it was appropriate to interrupt your meal. You see them spot you and smile waving them over. You talk for about 5 minutes. They ask about you and Zayn and you are happy to tell them how wonderful you two are doing.

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