Harry is cheating (part 1)

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A/N this not mine credit to whosever it is

y/n pov

    Soft raindrops decorated the sidewalk as you hurried home. Your bright red umbrella stood out nicely against the dreary grey London sky. Wet shopping bags hung limply at your sides. You had planned to shop all day since your boyfriend, Harry, would be working in the studio but since you had walked downtown you wanted to get home before the weather got too bad. As you reached the top of the hill that blocked the view of your beautiful house, you could make out the top of Harry's black Range Rover in the driveway. This wasn't unusual, his schedule was usually variable and sometimes they finished recording much earlier than planned. You arrived at your front door, pushed open the door, set down your now dripping shopping bags, and ventured upstairs looking for Harry.

    You checked his office area first but then you heard a small noise coming from your bedroom. You walked back down the hall, as your hand closed around the doorknob, ready to enter the bedroom, a woman's moans slid out under the door. You paused, breath caught in your throat. Maybe it's porn? You thought to yourself, trying not to jump to conclusions. You heard a grunt from Harry and then another moan from a girl, only this time she was saying something, your boyfriends name. Your knees grew weak and it took all of your willpower to stand up straight. Part of you wanted to run, leave the house, leave him without saying goodbye. You knew you needed to open the door though, you needed to confirm what you already knew. You tightened your grip on the doorknob, took a deep, shaky breath, made sure that no tears were evident in your eyes, and in one strong motion you pushed the door open.

    There was flurried movement in the bed as the light from the hallway flooded the dark bedroom. Harry quickly rolled off of the blonde woman who was sprawled out on your bed. Before he realized who was standing there he looked annoyed that he had been interrupted, but then he noticed it was you, and suddenly all color drained from his cheeks. For a moment, no one moved, you stood there like a statue, stone crumbling, Harry stared at you with a blanket wrapped loosely around his naked form, and the beautiful girl that lay covered in your sheets just slowly shifted her gaze from you, to Harry, back to you. You were the first to react, you spun quickly around and began walking quickly towards the door, heart pounding louder than your feet. You could hear Harry running after you, he was calling your name but his voice seemed distance and you did not want to respond. You were about to start down the stairs when you felt a large hand close around your shoulder. "(Y/N), wait!" Harry pleaded with you. You turned towards him, tears threatening to spill at any moment. "Fuck you." You spat viscously. Harry's face fell, visibly hurt, you didn't care. You ran for the door, sprinting out into the now heavy rain.

    It was almost impossible to drive, between your tears and all the rain the road was barely visible. You couldn't drive far in your current condition so you went to the closest house you could, Zayn's. You pulled into his driveway and took the time to compose yourself before knocking on his front door. You only had to wait for about ten seconds before Zayn pulled open the door, he could tell you had been crying so a look of concern immediately replaced his friendly expression. "(Y/N) are you okay? Did something happen." You usually didn't like to cry in public but you couldn't help it, you fell into Zayn's strong arms, openly weeping. He held you for a long time, letting himself grow wet with the cool rain and your salty tears.

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