Harry part 4

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Imagine with Harry part 4

Liam had forgotten the phone on the little table next to the couch so he went back to get it when he saw your blood forming droplets in your palm. He ran over to fear in his eyes, “(Y/N) what the hell?! Did you do this to yourself?! Tell me you didn’t do this to yourself, please tell me you didn’t do this to yourself.” You looked up at him, shocked he had seen you like this, you stared at the fingernail imprints on your arm. You sighed heavily preparing for a lie, “I didn’t intentionally I was reaching for that blanket over there and I slipped a little and my fingernails dug into my arm. I guess it’s time to trim them.” you laughed. You could tell by his eyes that he didn’t believe you, “you know that your beautiful right? And you know that there are lots of people in this world that care about you deeply and would be devastated if they lost you? Because you are special, and important, and you shouldn’t let anything rude people are saying get to you because you are amazing and don’t deserve that. If you ever need to talk to anyone I’m always here.” He said cautiously close to tears. You smiled at him, “Liam I’m fine, I promise it was just a slip of my hand. You know I don’t let people get to me, and I would always tell you if something was bothering me. Don’t worry about it, I’m fine I promise!” He still didn’t believe you but he also knew your personality and knew you would get upset if he pushed this. He walked back to the kitchen slowly with his phone to order the food. You couldn’t believe how close you were to giving yourself away, your were upset with yourself for your own stupidity. Idiot idiot idiot that was all you could think of. They weren’t exactly the comforting words you needed right now but you didn’t care, this was dumb of you, now Liam was suspicious and you would have to work extra hard to keep this a secret. You just hoped he wouldn’t tell Harry about it, you knew he wouldn’t leave you or anything but you didn’t want him knowing anything about your insecurities.

    The food arrived a little later and you and Liam sat down to eat. He had obviously ordered enough food for two even though you had your mind set on not eating. “Why did you order so much food Liam?” You asked almost accusingly. “I’m just…well I’m worried about you (Y/N)” “Li, I told you I’m fine I didn’t mean to cut my arm I just—” he cut you off “I mean with eating, I know this happened in high school, maybe you didn’t tell anyone but it still happened. Maybe you got through anorexia once but it kills people! I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, your my best friend! I know you don’t want to talk about it and I know you don’t like this but please eat this food, for me.” He stared at you, you could tell he wasn’t going to give up this argument but that didn’t mean you weren’t going down without a fight. “I’m just not hungry for this one meal Liam that doesn’t mean I’m anorexic.” you said trying to play it off like it was some big thing he was orchestrating in his head. “It will mean anorexia soon, I saw what they were saying about you online, I know that stuff can mess with your head but your a healthy weight! You shouldn’t stop eating just because of some jealous people on the internet! It’s ridiculous!” You knew he was doing this because he cared but you didn’t like it, you considered storming out to prove a point but you knew that would just worry him more and you didn’t want that. “Fine if one meal matters that much to you I will eat! Your a delusional boy Li.” He looked at you relief in his face, he smiled. You tried to limit what you ate but Liam just kept handing you food and insisting you ate it. You ate until you were actually full, it felt good to not be hungry, but you felt fatter then ever, at least Liam was off your case.

    As soon as Liam went to bed that night you crept into the bathroom and forced yourself to puke, you hated doing this, it was disgusting and it made you realize just how low you would sink for others approval but you did it anyways. You got a glass of water and leaned back against the bathroom wall, you couldn’t believe what you had become.

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