Harry cheats (part 5)

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y/n pov

"Get up, Harry." Louis nudged. Harry's mop of curls lay limply around the arms that were shielding his face. He hadn't moved in hours. Blue bruises bloomed on his knuckles from where he'd struck Liam. Louis sighed heavily as Harry ignored his requests once again. "Look, I know you're hurting but it's been hours. We need to talk about this!" Harry kept his wall of silence intact. Louis jumped off the couch in exasperate, "Harry! I will not just sit here while you mope! Talk to me, tell me what happened. Either that or tell me to get out of your house." This made Harry stir. He lifted his head slightly, blood-shot green eyes making an appearance. 

"I lost her, Lou. I had everything I'd ever wanted and I lost her. I can't sleep, I can't eat, how am I supposed to go on living when my entire life is gone?" Harry choked out as more tears threatened to fall.

Louis slowly lowered himself back onto the couch. He laid a soft hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry...you know I have to ask. If you loved her so much, what were you doing with that girl?" Louis asked tentatively. Harry's face fell, tears pooled in the corners of his eyes as he started to remember.

"Do you know who it was, Louis?" Harry asked him, fresh tears retracing the steps of thousands cried before them. Louis shook his head. "It was that girl, that one who brought us coffee at our last interview Remember? I said that her eyes were the exact same color as (Y/N)'s, just not quite as beautiful. Do you remember that? I didn't even look her way again."

"So..so when did you see her again? Why her?" 

"She came to the door, I had left my scarf at the interview. She was just standing at the door and I saw her stupid fucking eyes!" Harry turned and slammed his fist into the cushions that were next time. Louis stared at him, this was one of the first times he'd ever seen Harry angry. Louis waited until Harry's breathing slowed. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he continued his story, "I'd just seen some stupid rumor about (Y/N) cheating. I knew it wasn't true, I knew it but I just got so angry. So this girl comes up and her eyes just make me more mad and, and the next thing I know I'm ripping her clothes off and I tried so hard to stop because she isn't the one I wanted but I couldn't somehow." Harry had to stop talking, he was sobbing violently, his words being drowned by tears. Louis was just leaning in to comfort him further when someone knocked at the door. Before either of them had a chance to react, Liam opened it without warning. 

"Liam? Woah man, what the hell happened to your face?" Louis asked, referring to the very prominent bruise that enveloped Liam's eye. Liam glanced at Harry, deciding whether or not Harry would want him to know. 

"I need to talk to you," Liam said, ignoring the question. He then pulled Louis aside a little, whispering, "Is Harry up for a tough conversation right now? I've got something he needs to know." Louis glanced over at the bedraggled boy on the couch and shook his head. He led Liam into the guest bedroom just down the hall where he shut the door and nodded, signaling for Liam to tell him. Liam started, starting with the night you had found him cheating, this time he didn't omit who had punched him, and ending with the fact that you were now pregnant with Harry's baby. 

"Shit." Louis mumbled once he'd heard everything. "Shit, shit, shit. Look,  I don't think we should tell Harry this right now. He isn't in a good place, there's no telling what this new information will do. Let's just keep it to ourselves for the time being. We can talk to (Y/N) tonight and decide what she wants to do." Louis started walking towards the door but Liam stopped him.

"Hey, Lou, have you noticed something different with Harry recently? I mean maybe it's just the stress of this situation but even before that. He just hasn't seemed like himself. I don't know, maybe I'm imagining things." Liam trailed off, not completely sure if this was appropriate. 

"No, you're right. I don't know what's gotten into him. I've never seen him so angry. I'll talk to him about it." Louis said. They both walked out of the room and saw Harry still crying on the couch. He lifted his head, revealing a tear soaked face, and a nose that was leaking blood.

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