Harry cheats (part 2)

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y/n pov

 Zayn had carried you inside once you had started shaking from the cold rain. You were sitting on his couch, blanket wrapped around you, hands cupped in front of you as if you were waiting to hold something. Zayn had gone into the other room, he had told you what he was doing but you didn't remember. Everything felt numb. Zayn came back with a steaming cup of tea in his hands, he placed it on the small table in front of you and sat down on the couch. His movements rattled the couch and with each shake you felt like pieces of you were falling to the floor. Like a tree losing leaves in the fall. You were delicate, shattered. You worked on building a wall of silence, letting the undisturbed quiet fill the hole that seemed to be forming in your spirit. The silence grew, sending out dark lacy spider webs that traversed through your body, temporarily making you feel whole. You bathed in the stillness until it was broken by Zayn's timid voice.

"(Y/N), what happened?" He asked, obviously unsure if the question was appropriate. 

"I came home early and Harry was. He was. I saw it." That was all you could bring yourself to say, the unspoken words lodged in your throat, stinging, making fresh tears spring to your eyes. Even though you hadn't made it through a full explanation Zayn knew what you meant. He held you, trying to be compassionate, but you felt anger building in him. He broke off the hug after a few minutes and headed to his bedroom, you knew he was going to call Harry, you didn't have the energy to stop him. Although Zayn had tried to muffle his conversation with the bedroom door you could hear his conversation easily. 

    "What the hell, man?!" Zayn yelled into the phone. He was then quiet for a long time as Harry spoke, you could imagine his slow deep voice rattling off a number of excuses that didn't matter. "She's on my couch fucking sobbing because of you." Zayn stated, you wished he hadn't mentioned the tears. Again there was more silence as Harry talked, the next time Zayn spoke there was an air of compassion, "Get Louis over there, mate, I can't come over." Zayn had stopped yelling completely, "No, no don't come over. She needs a little time. I know, I know, I'll try and get her to call you." You knew you had to talk to him, you also knew that if you didn't go back there tonight you'd never have the courage again. Before Zayn had even come out of his room you were out the door and back in your car.

    The rain had stopped by the time you pulled into your driveway. You'd turned off the headlights before you got there, you didn't want him to know you were coming in case you couldn't bring yourself to walk inside. You walked up onto the porch, for a moment you thought you should knock even though this was your house as well, everything felt a little alien tonight. You pushed open the front door and you saw a disheveled head of curly hair sitting on the couch, you cleared your throat, making your presence known. Harry turned around to face you, his eyes were outlined in red and he looked broken. "(Y/N)?" He questioned, voice cracking. Before you could respond Louis came running into the room from down the hall, anger flashed in his eyes as he saw you. 

"Look what you did to him! He hasn't stopped crying! It's been hours." Louis exclaimed, taking a dangerous step towards you. You stayed silent, a pang of guilt made its way through you but you shot it down, you weren't the one who should feel bad. 

"Stop, Lou. Give us a minute." Harry said, his voice sounding a little stronger this time. Louis turned to go but put his hand on your shoulder first, you knew he felt bad for what had happened to you but his alliance remained with Harry. Even after Louis had left you stayed where you were, you had no idea what to say to Harry so you didn't say anything. He gave you a weak smile and patted the empty space that was next to him on the couch. You shook your head, if you got near him you would cry and you were absolutely not going to cry in front of him. 

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N), you need to understand that. I never meant for this to happen, I don't know what I was doing. You're all I've ever wanted, please you have to forgive me." He was begging at this point. Your expression remained the same. You watched his face fall when he realized that his words wouldn't change anything. 

"You cheated." You managed to squeak out. Your knees began to tremble, you silently willed yourself strength to get through this. Tears rolled down Harry's cheeks, you had never seen him cry before. 

"I need you, (Y/N). I'm nothing without you." You walked over to him and kissed him one last time. You could taste salt coating his lips from all the tears, butterflies still erupted in your stomach from the feeling of his touch, they made you sick. 

    You didn't really remember driving back to Zayn's but all of a sudden you were there, being ushered inside by Zayn. Niall and Liam sat at the table, worry lines present on their foreheads. You were quickly enveloped in a big group hug. 

"We're here for you." Niall reassured you in his thick Irish accent. You were thankful for all the support but you just wanted to be alone. You retreated to Zayn's guest room, not even bothering to ask if you could spend the night. You burrowed under the covers and curled up next to your phone that was displaying at least fifty missed calls from Harry.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter, I feel like it was a bit boring but it's necessary for the story. Part 3 should be up sometime in the next two days. 

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