Sophie raised her head from behind the blankets she had ensconced herself in and looked at Clementine with a drowsy appearance. Her long, usually majestic hair pointed in every single direction and all the knots in her hair were clearly visible, even from a few feet away. It basically looked like a huge, tangled fluff-ball. She confusedly looked around her room and then her eyes landed on the mini fridge she once bought together with Minnie to keep fresh drinks and food in. "Think there might be something in there," she said absentmindedly, gesturing towards the Marshall mini-fridge, which Minerva had insisted on getting because it looked like a guitar amplifier. Minerva played guitar too, but mainly acoustic. But, because Clementine liked to prove her superiority, every time Minnie played in public she'd get her guitar and play things way more impressive. Dick move? Totally. Worth it? Hell yes, Clementine thought, walking over towards the fridge and swinging it open.

It was empty.

"Fucking cockblood infused bitchfuck!" Clementine exclaimed frustratedly, slamming the fridge door shut loudly and stomping over towards the bed, sitting down next to Violet again, who grinned at her outburst but tried to hide her amusement by biting down fiercely on the inside of their cheeks. It worked, since Clementine didn't notice her enjoyment and instead got up from the bed again and started collecting all of her things. She grabbed her phone (Which I forgot to charge last night. Fuck), her charger, the deck of cards and, most importantly, the bottle of booze. When she felt inside her pocket she noticed that they hadn't gotten around to using her secret surprise. Maybe next time. She turned towards her friends who were in deep conversation about something of which she couldn't be bothered to listen to. All she knew, is that when she turned to face them, Sophie grinned extremely mischievously at her and Violet had turned beet red. Raising her eyebrows at the occurrence, she announced that she'd be walking back to her room.

Sophie rose to her feet quickly, dragging Violet up with her. "Clem, why don't you walk Violet to her room? Y'know, in case something might happen," the redhead said, nudging Violet who just looked away and called for Rosie, who was by her side in an instant. Clementine shrugged, muttering 'sure' under her breath and carefully intertwined her right arm with Violet's left to help her navigate more easily through Sophie and Minnie's now messy room and empty hallways.

During the weekends, students were allowed to leave the school grounds and go into the nearest town to do whatever they liked, as long as they were back before curfew, which was 10.30pm. Not like anyone actually listened to that, nor was there someone checking if all the students were in the dorms at those times, but that's besides the point. While usually the dorm would be filled with loud voices and echoes during this hour, now it was dead silent as the two girls slowly made their way towards Violet's room. Both the girls felt at peace like this, by each other's side. They both experienced it as if they'd known each other forever and it just felt right. Meanwhile, Violet's heartbeat was through the fucking roof, knowing what she was about to do, trepidation overtaking her.

When they reached Violet and Brody's room (Brody wanted to hang out with Sophie a bit longer), Clementine opened the door for the blonde to enter through, and once Violet stood inside the doorway, she turned around. Then, she took a deep breath and started talking. "Clementine, there's something I have to tell you. I think I like you, as in more than a friend. I have for some time now, and I know it's fast, but I just had to tell you. It was eating away at me. I just... it feels like between us, there's something more, or something. D-Do you feel this, too?" Violet clenched her eyes shut, awaiting an answer. Preparing for the worst, she took a subtle stance to be able to slam the door shut in case shit did go south for her.

Meanwhile, Clementine stood across of Violet, her mouth agape and completely stumped. It took her a few seconds to fully process the bomb that Violet just dropped on her, but when she did she closed and reopened her mouth. "W-What? Violet, I... I don't know?" she muttered more so to herself than Violet, but it was seemingly enough to get the message across and before she was able to get another word in, Violet slammed the door shut, muttering 'Forget it' in the process. Clementine could swear she heard a stifled sob behind the closed door, but she had no idea what she should do with that information. Do I just... leave it be? I don't know what the fuck else I can do? Talking to her will only make shit worse, right? the musician mused, shaking her head and deciding to just walk back towards her room. When she reached it, she let herself fall onto her bed and started staring at the ceiling.

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