Chapter 4

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Clementine wakes up on Monday morning and is immediately hit with an immense feeling of regret about last night when a rush of tiredness hit her. She'd stayed up super late to do practice routines for her guitar playing because she hadn't played in so long.

So, it's a Monday morning, the first day of school, and Clementine's head feels like it's been hit by Kanye West's ego. She groans as she drags herself out of bed towards her guitars. Tired or not, she still has to do her scheduled guitar practice even if she'd stayed up hours doing the exact same thing the previous night. She starts running up and down the modes of the minor scale, occasionally switching it to harmonic minor. After fifteen minutes of doing this, she hangs her guitar back on the wall and saunters towards her desk. Letting out a grunt of annoyance because of her sleep deprivation, she grabs a small can of fish food. She carefully screws loose the lid and grabs some of diversely colored flakes, dropping a few of them into the bowl. She watches them as they slowly drift along the small shockwaves created in the water, almost in a majestic manner.

"There ya go, Peanut. Eat away," she says, smiling as the goldfish starts snacking away its meal.

It's the simple things in life that bring someone the most joy... I love my goldfish, and I don't care if anyone judges me for it.

Clementine quickly changes from her pyjamas to her sports outfit, and goes on her morning run. It's something she does everyday to get some endorphins flowing through her body, as it really wakes her up better than anything else. Pair that with her morning coffee, and she's good to go for a long time.

She runs her usual route, which consists of her doing two laps around the soccer field, then towards the fishing shack, then back to the soccer field and doing five more laps, and then back to the dorm entrance. Her friends say that she's ridiculous for running so much, especially this early in the morning, but she doesn't care. She walks into her room and opens the bottom drawer of her dresser and pulls out her bag with showering supplies.

Walking towards the showers, she doesn't run into anybody. Then again, she's probably the only person who's going for a shower at 7:15 in the morning when school doesn't start until 9:30. Clementine has always been an early bird, which is something that she didn't share with any of the other kids. There are always kids late to the first class of the day because they slept through their alarm, or because they simply don't care and just decided to sleep in.

Now feeling more awake after her run, she decides she wants to take a quick, cold shower rather than a long one, to make sure her energy doesn't go to waste. She enters the bathroom and swiftly scans the inside of it. It hadn't changed a single bit since she last saw it. On the right side wall were sinks and mirrors while the showers were on the left. On the back wall were a bunch of posters regarding school events, and there was also a tampon dispenser. And of course, the walls were covered in a bunch of profanities and a shitload of disturbingly detailed penises.

She chuckles lightly at the drawings. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't the one who drew them.

The brunette moves the shower curtain out of the way and steps inside the small cabin. She removes her sports clothes and starts the shower. The sudden cold makes her shiver, but it's a pleasant shiver. She looks at the shower curtain that had small drops of water plummeting down at its hem. It bothers her how the only thing separating her and her naked body from the outside world is some dumb piece of fabric, instead of a door with a lock. It has happened before that other girls mindlessly walk into the stall that she was using, which usually resulted in them getting a bunch of obscenities yelled their way.

As she's drying herself off, she notices that she left her clothes in her room. She curses loudly at the realization, because she'd washed her sports clothes in the shower as well, meaning they were soaking wet. It's something she always does so she doesn't have to waste her time washing them later when she could just do it right then and there.

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