"Now." He said. Well, here goes nothing. I began singing the familiar words I've been singing as a child in the orphanage who I've learnt from another girl, older than myself, who slept in the same bedroom as me. She would sing it every night before bed and the other girls and I didn't mind because she had such an angelic voice. Slowly, I learnt the words and the tune.

"For I can't help falling in love with you." I sang the last words.

"Beautifully sung, my darling. You have the voice of an angel."

"Thank you. And you play so well."

"Thank you, my darling. If you don't mind me asking, where did you learn that song from?" He asked.

"I learnt it from a girl who used to sing it back in the orphanage." I said.

"Did you ever sing it for anybody?" He asked and his voice held a hint of anger.

"No." I replied. "I would only sing it to myself. You're the first person I've ever sung it too."

"Good." He said with his voice back to normal like he was happy with my answer. I knew it was a love song and that Luca wouldn't want me to singing it to any man other than him.

He looked at me for a few seconds. "Why did you run away from the orphanage?" He suddenly asked me.

"H-huh?" I asked too shocked by the sudden question.

"I know you ran away twice from the orphanage with failing once and succeeding the second time. But why did you run away?" He said.

What should I say? "Um, I-I didn't like the orphanage." I said.

"What I don't understand is why you would leave the orphanage at a young age making things harder for yourself when they would've looked after you." You don't really know what happens behind the doors, Luca.

"Can we do something else?" I said to change the subject. Luca knew I was changing the subject but I didn't care. He kept quiet and then spoke.

"Of course. What would you like to do?"

"I don't know. You choose." I said.

"It's pretty hot outside so how about swimming? Do you know how to swim?" Luca asked.

"That's perfect and yes, I do. Let's go!" I said excited. I was a self taught swimmer and I'm proud of that. I'm not the best but I can still swim.

"Not so fast, Luna. I need something in return for teaching you to play the piano." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I'll cook today." I said and got up to leave when he pulled me back down for the second time today.

"No, I want something else." He said and brought his face closer to mine.

"What do you want?" I asked nervously and bit my lip. That caught his attention. He looked down at them then looked back at my eyes.

"I want a kiss." Hell no. Just because he stole a kiss before doesn't mean it's okay to kiss me now.

"I can give you a hug?" I offered but he shook his head.

"I asked for a kiss, not a hug, Luna. Don't make me wait." He said starting to get impatient. "We are not leaving the room until you give me my kiss and you know I don't lie." He said.

I thought about it for a few seconds. He said I can't leave this room without giving him a kiss. It's just a kiss Luna. Get over it. I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek when he moved back.

He shook his head. "On the lips, my naive luna." He said huskily.

I looked down at his lips and let out a sigh. "I can't." I said and turned my head to the side.

"Then give me a kiss on the cheek." He said.

I looked at him and sighed again. I leaned again to give him a kiss when he suddenly moved his face and I ended up kissing his lips. He wrapped his fingers through my hair and kept my head still so I used my hands and pushed his chest away.

"You son of a-"

"Uh uh uh, language." Luca said and fixed his sleeves. "Get changed and meet me downstairs.

"I know where the pool is." I told him and wiped my lips.

"Great, so meet me there." He said and we both walked out of the room.

I couldn't help but notice that Luca's been starting to ask me a lot of questions about my past lately which makes me wonder how long it'll be before he finds out what happened in the orphanage. And oh my god! That kiss was my second kiss with Luca. I'm happy, angry and scared at the same time. What's wrong with me?

I got to my room and walked inside my wardrobe while thinking of something appropriate to wear. I know it's swimming but I'm going to be around Luca. Hm, what should I wear? There were no one piece swimsuits. Oh Luca. I looked through some clothes before deciding on wearing a floral swimsuit. I didn't feel comfortable wearing it. Stuff it. I'm just not going to have to swim. I picked a white robe and put it on before making my way to the pool room.

"Luca? I called out and stepped in the room to find a gorgeous, breathtaking, shirtless Luca. He turned around and frowned when he observed my clothing. Haha I knew it! I was glad I chose to put the robe on. He walked towards me.

"How are you going to go swimming if you don't take the robe off?" He asked me.

"Actually, I'm not going to swim." I said.

He raised his eyebrow. "But you were so excited to do it before. Why the sudden change?" He asked.

"I just changed my mind. I'll watch you swim." I said.

Luca stared at me. "Very well. At least dip your legs in the water. It will cool you down." He said and dived in the pool. I took a seat on the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in the water like Luca told me too. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I realised it was too quiet and opened my eyes to find Luca gone. Where did he go? I didn't even hear him come out of the water. Suddenly, I got pulled down from my legs and splashed into the water. I quickly brought myself up for air. I heard laughing and turned to see Luca next to me. I splashed some water onto him.

"I told you I'm not going to swim." I said annoyed.

"Well, you're already in the water so why not swim?" He asked.

"Because I don't have any proper swim suits to wear to cover myself from you." I said and stopped talking when I realised my robe was missing. "Where's my robe?" I asked and faced Luca.

"Looking for this?" Luca smirked and raised my white robe that was drenched.

"You sneaky little...ughhh." I can't get out now or he'll see my body. "Just stay away from me." I said and went as far away from his as possible.

"What if I don't want to?" He asked me and swam towards me a bit.

"Then I'll kick your balls again." I said and laughed inside when he made a pained face probably remembering the two times I kneed him in the balls.

"You won't be able to do that if I catch you." He said.

"Don't you dare." I said getting ready to swim away from him.

"Watch me." He said and started to swim towards me fast. Oh come on! I'm not that fast at swimming. I swam as fast as I could and tried to go as far away from him as possible but he caught up to me and pulled my leg. He pulled us into the water and brought us back up.

"I got you." He said and put me on the edge of the swimming pool. I rolled my eyes and squeezed my wet hair to get all the water out. When I looked back at Luca, he looked like he was daydreaming.

"Luca?" I asked.

"I love you." He said. My eyes widened but I didn't say anything. What could I possibly tell him? I can't say it back.

Well, isn't this awkward?

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