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( please note that the following incidents took place in the past.)


" I think we should stop it."

Jisoo looked up from her notes that she was scribbling on. There were lots of scratches and crosses. It looked like she had been writing on it the whole day.


"Stop the game." Hoseok looked serious.

Jisoo rolled her eyes with disbelief, " Stop it before i've succeeded?? No, Hoseok...i'm going to END this no matter what."

Hoseok took a deep breath," I don't want to continue anymore."

"What....." she whispered slowly her anger peaking up. Suddenly, she stood up and  threw all the stuffs on the table, breathing heavily.

He watched her with wide-eyes.

" Instead of supporting me, you are trying to make me feel guilty." Jisoo shouted at him, " All i ever wanted was someone who could stand by me through my rough times. And i was stupid to think that it was you." she pointed at him with tear filled eyes.

" Calm down babe, please listen to me." he tried to hold her still, " Lets think it with our right minds.We can solve it in better ways."

" NO....noooo," jisoo pushed him with more tears falling, " Lets never meet again!" she ran her way to the door leaving Hoseoks apartment with a slam.


The club was packed and people were all over the dance floor. Too many sweaty people and the place reeked of alcohol and smoke.

Gross. Jisoo thought as she carefully squeezed her way inside. She actually hated this club but she had to come here. If she didn't  want to lose her last chance.

There he is. She said after spotting the man sitting by the bar alone, drinking.

" Hey, can i have the most popular drink here." she smiled at the bartender and he nodded as he made his way to prepare the drink.

" Kim Namjoon?" she turned to the man slightly tilting her head.

And as expected he raised his head confused.

" I'm Kim Jisoo." she held out her hands.

He slowly shook it with the same confusion. " How may i help you?"

" Well, umm i have kinda researched about you."


" Your mother, Mrs.Kim, she is alive right?"

" What the fuck do you want?" he gave a shocking yet angry look to her. His hand gripping the glass tighter than before.

She smirked lightly being satisfied that she finally grabbed his full attention.

" Revenge...."

Namjoon became more confused but listened to her carefully.

" You want revenge from your father and stepbrother while i want revenge from my bestfriends. How does it sound?" she sipped her drink while eyeing Namjoon.

Before he could speak she cut him, " And you don't have a choice because your secret is loosely hanging from the string that i'm holding."

She smiled wickedly while staring at the glaring Namjoon.

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