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KX Hall

The hall was lit with thousands of chandeliers and flowers were decorated everywhere.There were well dressed people having conversation with each other.

A waiter came towards Jimin with a tray of champagne.

" Would you like one,sir?"

" Of course." he smiled and took a glass.

His parents had left him alone while they spoke with their accomplice. He searched the crowd searching for the certain someone. As he walked through the crowd, he came upon some of his friends.

" Hey Jimin." Jackson and Mark came up to him.

" Oh hey guys." he shook their hands.

" Long time no meet." Jackson said.

" Yeah, been pretty busy lately."

" Didn't expect you in this party though." Mark said.

" Well, i never miss parties." he smirked.

They continued having some conversation when Jimin saw her. Irene. She was with Joy then she left her and headed towards the corridor. Jimin took the chance and excused himself from Jackson and Mark.

" Hello Irene-ssi." he said loudly from behind her.

She turned and gave him a bored look, " So, you're following me here too?"

" No, i was just going to the washroom." jimin fake smiled.

" Then mind your own business, will you?" she raised her brows.

" Of course. Just wanted to say hello."

" Well, you said it. Now, leave me alone." she turned back.

" Irene-ssi." he called again, " I have something to tell you."

She halted, " Park Jimin. If you are bored and want to waste my time, you better stop before you regret."

" I'm serious."

" Tch." she ignored him and started walking away. Jimin grabbed her wrist and turned her towards him.

" It's about your father."

Irene looked confused and terrified at the same time but didn't say anything.


Lounge café

Jungkook and Rosé sat at the table in the corner side. They came a little early and were waiting for Jimin and Irene to come.

" Oh god, I'm really scared about Irene's reaction." Rosé took a deep breath.

" Hope she doesn't slap or something." jungkook replied.

" Jungkoook!" Rosé glared at him.

" Whaat?"

"It's a serious matter."

" Ok ok, i'll shut up."

Rosé checked her watch. Fifteen minutes had passed since they arrived.

" By the way Rosé," Jungkook ate a cookie. She looked up to him. " I haven't asked about this thing and you haven't talked about it too."

" What thing?" Rosé asked.

" Well.....About you and Taehyung's relationship."

" Ohh, that. Actually, i think my mom is planning on engaging us two." Rosé played with her cup.

" wait, Engage??" Jungkook looked confused.

" I think."

"Are you ready for it?" he said concerned.

" To be honest,i'm not. I think mom will understand. If not let's see what will happen." Rosé gave a small smile.

" Rosé—." Jungkook was saying when Jimin and Irene arrived.

" Sorry for making you wait." Jimin sat and Irene sat beside him.

" Its, okay. Hello Irene." Rosé said awkwardly.

" Hello." Irene didn't even look at her.

Jungkook raised his brows then turned towards Jimin.

" It was hard bringing her here." Jimin ate a cookie.

Irene glared at him, " So, i heard you know something about my dad. What is it? Let's cut to the chase."

" Umm...Actually." Rosé spoke.

" Yes?" Irene folded her hands waiting for them to continue.


They told her everything about the incident. Irene didn't look good at all.

" You guys are the worst!" she said eyes filling with tears.

" Irene, listen—." Rosé tried to calm her.

Jungkook was massaging his forehead excessively.

" You saw my dad being murdered and stayed silent??!" she raised her voice with tear filled eyes.

This was why they had decided to take the corner seat. Jungkook started looking towards the other customers if they had heard.

" AND also did a secret investigation without me knowing??!" she continued.

" Look!" Rosé's raised her vioce as well, " we were kids, Irene! We were scared! I even have nightmares till this day."

Irene started sobbing lightly.

" What could we do, Irene? what??" she finally lowered her voice, " We couldn't say it to you because we thought....it would break you."

Irene silently sobbed.

"We are really sorry."

" I dont know. I still can't believe my dad was murdered." Irene said through tears, " All this time, i thought it was something else."

They stayed silent for some time.

" Irene, join us. For your dad." Rosé held her hands tightly.

She stared at their hands, tears still streaming down her face.

" We have to take Mr.Son down." rose fixed her eyes at her.

She finally nodded slowly. While Rosé, Jimin and Jungkook smiled to each other.

At the end,Irene decided to be part of this dangerous game.

Jungkook when Irene and Rosé raised their voice.

Jungkook when Irene and Rosé raised their voice

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