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Mrs.Park's Apartment

Rosé opened the door as quietly as she could. It was already past midnight. She wiped off some dirt from her face.

" Roseanne?" her mom came from the living room, shocked, " What brings you here at this time?"

She wasn't expecting her mom to be awake at this hour, " I-i had to get some things. I'll stay here tonight." she was going towards her room but her mom grabbed her.

" What's wrong with your clothes? They have dirt!" she looked at her clothes then looked up to her face, " You have wound near your mouth??" she touched the wound.

Rosé flinched by her touch and pushed away her hand, " It's nothing serious, mom and when did you actually start caring about me?!"

Mrs.Park gave a deep sigh but didn't say anything. Rosé noticed a bottle of whiskey on the table, " You've been drinking mom??"

" No, just today i was a little stressed. Also, it was only one glass." she ran her hands through her hair.

" I dont think so. Also, you don't have work tomorrow?"

" You're mother is a business woman. She always has to work. So, this whiskey won't affect me. Got it?" she told her daughter.

Rosé glared at her mother and rushed towards her room without saying anything.
Mrs.Park gave another deep sigh as she went back to the sofa. She poured herself a glass of whiskey and sipped it having deep thoughts.


" No. Noo. Why?" Mrs.Park had fear all over her eyes. She was on the floor as she looked up, not even blinking her eyes once.
A man was hanging from the ceiling, lifeless. Tears formed on her eyes but she couldn't cry. The view infront of her was so shocking. She couldn't even process it through her head.

The door clicked open and someone entered the apartment. " Daddy?" Rosé was frozen in her spot from the view infront of her. Her eyes started watering and soon she was crying with her whole chest, " Daddy!!! Daddy!!! what happened ? whyy??" she couldn't stop screaming while crying.

Her mom was still frozen, unable to move. She hadn't spoken a single word even after Rosé's screams.

" You killed daddy." Rosé turned to her mother. The mascara had stained her cheeks and she had a look of hatred.
Her mom finally looked at her terrified. Like as if her words had stabbed her a million times, " Rosé yahh." she whispered slowly.

" It was your fault he killed himself!" she shouted, " If it weren't for YOU, he would still be alive right now." her eyes were bulging red.

Never had she been scared like this with her own daughter. The look in her eyes was enough to kill Mrs.Park from inside.

" Sorry....." she whispered while finally crying, " I'm really sorry baby." she tried to hold her hands but Rosé pushed it away.

"Please try to understand. Listen to me." she didn't even have the energy to stand up.

Rosé just stood there looking at her mother with same hatred.

" Please, don't look at me like that." her mother broke down even more.

" I hate you." Rosé said coldly, " I hate you, Helen park."

Mrs.Park looked up at her daughter like she was shot right in her heart. Her tears started flowing down her face uncontrollably. Today, she had lost not one but two people that she loved.

End flashback

She came out of her thoughts breathing heavily. She took another sip and finished it in a go.

Rosé closed her bed side lamp and got ready to sleep when her phone buzzed. A text message.

From Jungkook
Are you feeling okay now?

She smiled at the message.

To Jungkook
Yes, Mr. jeon. I'm feeling really good.
Dont worry about me and go to sleep
since we both are tired. Now, Goodnight

She closed her phone as she got ready to sleep Her phone buzzed again. She looked at it hoping a message from Jungkook but it wasn't.

Oh boy. Look what have you gotten yourself into?

She immediately got up from her sleeping position, her heart pounding. She gulped out of fear and slowly opened her curtains by the bed. Just across the road, she saw a hooded figure by the trees. Her eyes widened and cold sweat started forming on her forehead.


Min Hospital Pvt. Ltd.

The next day.
" Hey, can I know where the pharmacy is at?" Jimin asked the counter woman.

" It's straight by the second corridor there." she pointed ahead.

" Thankyou." he smiled and turned around.

Just then he saw a female figure with the black hair from behind, at the crowd. He could never miss who that was even from  a crowded place.

" Jennie?"

He rushed towards her pushing some people on the way, apologizing. She was walking pretty fast to the opposite side. He finally reached near her, " Jennie?" he called her.

She stopped abruptly, not turning behind.

" Jennie." he called again.

She took a sigh and turned behind.

Jimin tilted his head while folding his arms, " What is Jennie doing in a hospital for average people?"

" It's none of your business." she said rudely.

" That makes me even more curious." he stepped forward.

Jennie squinted her eyes at him and she wanted to punch his face at the moment but controlled herself. She cleared her  throat.
" Okay, I came here to visit my....far far cousin who got appointed here." she said.

" A high class family of yours in an average hospital?" Jimin raised his brows.

" Umm, you see my far far cousin is actually suffering from tuberculosis and as everyone knows this hospital is specialised for it. So, she was appointed here."

Jimin still looked at her suspiciously.

" Now, if it clears your curiosity i will make my leave. I'm in a hurry." she walked away towards the crowd.

" Hmmm....is she lying?" he thought to himself.
I would never tell you the truth.

Isn't Jimin a little too nosy here?
lol he is just trying to help, hopefully.

anyways vote and comment. Kay baiss💕💕💕

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