Part 10

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They all walked back to the cafeteria. As usual, Renjun trailed behind everyone. His breath was a little bit choked.

They all sat down. Jaemin was in between Renjun and Jeno, and Jeno kept shooting Renjun dirty looks. Jaemin sat there with his eyebrows furrowed, glancing at Renjun with concern. Renjun seemed oblivious to all this and was still smiling, although Jaemin was sure the smile wasn't real.

"So," Renjun said while wiggling his eyebrows at his brother, "do you wanna tell me something?" At Jisung's confused expression, he turned his gaze towards Chenle, then back at Jisung.

"NOPE NO NOTHING NADA ZILCH." Jisung's face disappeared behind his hand. Jaemin laughed at that.

"Aww," Jeno said. "Chenle, is that your boyfriend?"

Chenle looked at the blushing mess sitting next to him and sighed in mock disappointment. "Unfortunately, yes." He lifted up his hand from underneath the table. Jisung's fingers were intertwined with his.

Jisung pulled his hoodie over his head and curled up into a ball, leaning into Chenle. Renjun cooed.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" A voice rang out from across the cafeteria.

Mark whipped his head around, confused. "Was that-"

Hyunjin appeared as if by magic. "My BABIES!" He stood behind Jisung and Chenle, with one arm around each of them. "TAKE ALL MY UWUS JUST TAKE THEM ALL!"

His friends followed him. "I'm really sorry about this," Chan said. "He's emotional." Chan threw the boy over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I know," Jaemin said. "He's in our English class. You should have seen him during the poetry unit." Hyunjin was still sobbing as Chan put him down. He melted to the ground with his head in his hands, mumbling something.

Han knelt beside Hyunjin, listening to what he was saying.

"He keeps saying that you grew up too fast."

Mark immediately joined Hyunjin on the floor, hugging him and rocking him back and forth. "They DID, didn't they?" The two sobbed together. Haechan looked on with disgust.

Renjun laughed at Jisung and Chenle, who had curled up together, hiding their faces. Jaemin started laughing, too, and leaned into Renjun.

Renjun's eyes widened. Suddenly, his chest didn't feel so tight anymore.

I wish we could stay like this forever.

Filler Chapter of Fluffy Stuff

Because other stuff is about to go down and you won't like it

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