Part 16

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Trigger warning again guys please don't read if this stuff bothers you 

Jeno and Jaemin had fallen asleep on the couch watching Netflix. Hyunjin had left for his apartment with Mark and Chan. Chenle lay on the floor, wrapped up in a blanket Jaemin had let him borrow. The TV was still on, and music played faintly from a pair of earbuds strewn on the floor.

The door to Jisung's room opened up, and he stepped out. He had such a headache, he could barely think. His memory was still fuzzy, and he couldn't remember what had happened before he fell asleep.

Jisung had woken up with his arms around Renjun, which was a change. It always used to be Renjun holding him. It was always Renjun protecting him, Renjun taking care of him, Renjun being strong for him-

His head throbbed.

Hearing the TV, he walked into the living room and smiled at the sight of everyone asleep. He picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

Going back to his room, he picked up his older brother and put him in his own room. It was much easier than he'd expected- even if he was short, Renjun was a lot lighter than Jisung thought he should be. He picked up Renjun's blanket and covered him with it, sitting down next to him.

A hint of scarlet peeked out from the corner of Renjun's sleeve.

Jisung frowned and gently picked up Renjun's arm, pushing down the sleeve. What he saw broke his heart a little.

There were new cuts, fresh ones, all over his arms.

He went to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it under the tap and wringing it out. He went back to Renjun and started wiping the blood off his brother's arms.

Renjun sighed and turned around in his sleep, and Jisung stopped moving. When Renjun was fully asleep, Jisung started cleaning the cuts again.

There was a creak at the door. Jisung looked up and saw Jeno standing there.

"You shouldn't have to do this."

Jisung looked down and continued wiping Renjun's arms.

Jeno walked in and sat beside Jisung and took the towel from his hands and started cleaning them himself. "When did you wake up?"

"Just a little while ago," Jisung said. "Is Jaemin up?"

"No, Jisung, it's the middle of the night. I was quiet."

"Well, anyway..." Jisung's voice trailed off.

"Is this the first time you're seeing his cuts, Sungie?"

Jisung sighed. "No, but I hadn't really looked in a while." His voice cracked. "I thought for a while that he was getting better, but I guess with everything that's on his mind, I should have seen this coming."

"What do you mean?" Jeno asked quietly. "What's been bothering him?"

"You." Jisung stated simply. "You and Jaemin, and the fact that I was high earlier probably didn't help."

Jeno blinked. "Actually, I've been wondering- why were you high?"

"I needed to escape my life for a little bit."

Jeno snorted. "Did it work?"

"No." Jisung sighed. "I'm still here, aren't I?"

Jeno nodded. It was quiet for a few minutes, and all the blood was gone from Renjun's arms. Jisung went to the bathroom and rinsed out the washcloth and hung it on a hook.

When the came back to the room, Jeno was holding Renjun's wrist in his hand, gingerly tracing his fingers over the cuts.

"What did you mean when you said Jaemin and I are stressing him out?"

Jisung hesitated, then said, "Well, I meant that you're stressing him out."


"It's not my secret to tell!"

Jeno frowned. Not his to tell. That was the second time that day he was hearing that.

"Jeno?" A voice rang out from the hall.

Jeno turned around as Jaemin walked in. He stopped beside Renjun, and looked down at his arms.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Jisung..." he whispered. His eyes moved upwards to the young boy. "It's my fault, right?"

"Jaemin, no," Jeno said firmly. "Stop blaming yourself." He patted the bed beside him. "Come here."

Jaemin nodded and sat next to Jeno, who hugged him. Jaemin curled up into a ball against Jeno, his eyes not moving away from Renjun.

"Why didn't either of you even try to talk to Renjun before?" Jisung asked.

Jeno pressed his lips together. "He said he'd rather hide alone than talk to the two of us."

"Well, what do you know? He's a liar," Jisung said.

"You two mean the world to him."

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