Part 7

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Surprise, double update

When they arrived at school, Renjun wandered off to the music room. To his surprise, a boy was already there, playing the piano.

Hearing Renjun's footsteps, he turned around.

"Oh, hi," he said almost nervously. His voice had a hint of an accent, but Renjun couldn't quite place it.

"Do you need to come in here? I- I can leave, or-"

Renjun cut him off. "Jeez, kid." He grinned. "You're fine, I'm just here to hide from someone."

At that very second, footsteps sounded from down the hall.

"Oh Renjun, where are you?" a voice sang.

Renjun froze. "Crap," he hissed. "Jaemin."

As the tapping of feet grew closer, Renjun ducked behind the piano, beside the new kid's feet, and squeezed in so he wasn't visible.

"Shhh," he whispered.

Jaemin waltzed into the room and looked around. "I know you're here, Renjun- well, hello there, who are you?" He spotted the kid sitting at the piano.

"I'm Chenle. What's your name?"

"I'm Jaemin." He smiled. "Have you seen Renjun? Short, Chinese, angry, sassy?"

Chenle grinned, and Renjun glared at him. "No, I haven't."

"Alright, see you around," Jaemin said, about to leave. He paused. "Do you want to maybe find me and hang out sometime?"

Chenle smiled. "Sure. Thanks," he said happily.

Jaemin left, and Renjun sighed, getting up.

"Short, chinese, angry, and sassy," said Chenle. "Hmmmm."

"So, in case you can't tell, I'm Renjun."

"Is Jaemin your friend?"

"Yep," Renjun smiled.

But I wish both of them were more...

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