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"My dearest Empress, you are looking quite well." Morejvko's gaze lingered over the jewels studding Savehl Denouque's hair, and the diamonds around her neck. He bowed his head in a purposefully exaggerated way that held just enough mockery in it to incense.

"State your business, Assarah," she snapped. Her holographic projection was so real before him that he could see the sunlight of Chanette's morning streaming in on her. The pulse beating at her throat. "I have a Festival to prepare for."

More like sycophants and parties to attend to, he thought, but held his tongue. He had known her long enough. Well before she had attained the highest title in all of Tapiri. Took her long enough. 

He knew how to deal with her kind of petulance. "I have reason to believe there is foul play at the Stayhouse."

The Empress spoke in a tone of boredom and derision. "It is a house of sin and debauchery. Its very essence feeds off moral depravity and debasement. There is foul play at all the Stayhouses." A necessary evil, good for business, good for the Festival. Nobles and elites liked to speak ill of the Stayhouse, but they were some of the most loyal and highest-paying clients. "If there is foul play of a nature to disrupt Festival, why have you not reported it to Raduc?"

"Lady of Grace," he demurred, "I have information of a...sensitive nature."

"This connection is private. Speak plainly, Assarah. I have neither time nor patience for your riddles."

He resented that she called him by first name. He had earned his title as much as she'd earned hers. 

"A fugitive Anomaly may have a particular device of interest," he said. "To us."

She narrowed her eyes almost imperceptibly. Go on, they said.

"She may not even know of its worth." Even though it was a secure line, he still spoke carefully. Like his words were pressing on fragile glass. "She travels with an Anadeim."

"And you believe they are at the Stayhouse?" Her tone was incredulous. The Rejkavs hadn't caught an Anadeim in years. Those rare few who had escaped had scattered long ago, as far from the city centers as possible.

"It is the one place they could seek refuge with little scrutiny."

"Who is the Anomaly?"

"Dimarrah Ronah Folette. The prisoner at Finton Willis."

It took a moment for the name to click. "The deranged woman who was blown up in the terrorist attack?" She scoffed, but he suppressed a smile. The rumor of a terrorist cell of Half Ones was taking root. Even the Empress bought the story. "You are telling me she escaped?"

"She and the Anadeim, just before her scheduled execution."

The Empress drummed her fingers on her chair. "You do of course understand I could have you brought before the Emperor and accused of withholding information from the Guard? For solicitations behind the back of your Emperor?"

Morejvko spoke smoothly, assuredly. He was enjoying her petty power play.

"Do you realize what would happen if word got out that an Anadeim and fugitive with a dangerous Anomaly were hiding in the city? The unrest it would cause? Imagine for a moment how it would disrupt Festival. The first Festival in Chanette to honor you, its darling new Empress." He glanced again over her resplendent attire. Languished a pointed gaze on the diamonds clustered at her throat. It looked to him more like a stifling yoke than decoration or status.

"The charade quite becomes you," he said, not bothering to mask the sneer.

"How dare you speak to me in this way?"

"I speak the truth. Savehl." He let the use of her first name sink in a little. Watched the corner of her eye twitch before going on.

"You will do as I say, or you can forget any lead on finding the Anadeim man. He will smell a heavy-handed Rejkav raid like a wolf tracking blood on the wind. He will slip away like the Shadow Walker snake that he is." He paused for full effect. Or maybe because he just enjoyed seeing her squirm. "Surely you must understand why discretion is required."

"Discretion? I am your Empress now. Your full disclosure is required before I so much as lift a finger." She narrowed her eyes to slits. He could see the veiled and desperate hunger in them. He knew well the want of her heart. "You are not telling me all."

Morejvko inclined his head just slightly and took a deep breath. He needn't string the suspense along; he knew he held Savehl rapt in the palm of his hand. She was playing along as well as he might have hoped. It was like stoking the glowing embers of a fire. "We have reason to believe that this particular Anadeim is...different from the others. Evolved."

The Empress's eyes gleamed. Blazed with a naked, simmering desire. "The Lost One," she whispered. Like a caress. Like a death wish.

"Now," said Morejvko, his thin lips spreading to a grin. "I'm going to need a few things from you."

* * * * * *

A fable. A myth. The Fountain. The Abyss. One who could bring death swiftly, as all of their kind, yes, but also one who could heal. Could it truly be? And if she could get her hands around the device that the Anomaly unknowingly carried....

The Empress reclaimed her composure, instantly relieved she was not in the same room as Assarah Morjevko, but rather hundreds of miles across the continent. She only hoped her holographic representation concealed the fierce need emblazoned on her heart. "Upon what evidence do you make this outrageous claim?" Could he hear the slightest quiver to her voice?

"I have my ways, as you have yours," the General said, unhurried, and took a sip out of the jewel-encrusted goblet that appeared, floating down before him. She suddenly wished she'd thought to pour herself her own, her throat having gone quite dry. But of course, she'd ordered her attendants to leave the room when she'd known who called.

Morejvko went on. "The woman's powers are returning. One of my Uruque's sensed it the day the gates opened." He noted her look of surprise. "The city Guard becomes more complacent by the day." Something he intended to remedy now that he was in command. "The source was near the Stayhouse, in the alleyway. The man said he saw sparks fly from her fingertips."

"A witness?"

Morejvko's eyebrow lifted. "A Market vendor. Poor man. Ate something bad. Dead the next day. Such a tragedy."

Morejvko was tidy and ruthless, she'd give him that.

"With any luck, no one yet knows about any of it. But we must act swiftly. The fire in her has been rekindled." He paused before going on. "Help me find her, and I guarantee she will lead us to your Anadeim. He seems to have developed some peculiar affinity for her."

"What about you? What do you want with a deranged, murdering Firewitch?"

"My reasons are my own. As are yours for possessing what you desire."

If the Rejkavs knew, if the Emperor knew, they would take the Anadeim away, discreetly, permanently.

The Empress drew in a slightly ragged breath. "We all have our secrets, don't we?"

The Rejkav leader gave a bow and demurred. He looked like a locksmith who'd just heard the satisfying, inevitable click of the last pin in the tumbler. He had her, wholly and completely. She was the most powerful woman in all of Tapiri, and she would give him precisely what he desired. She hated him more in that moment than ever before.

"I will arrange the necessary legal documentation. Wait for further instruction."

"Thank you, my exceedingly gracious Lady of wisdom. And beauty." Morejvko gave a showy bow. No doubt to hide his own smug pleasure. And secrets.

"The wisdom in this is yet to be seen," the Empress lashed out, but her tone lacked its usual bite. "I have no time for sycophants, games or failures. I expect the Anadeim after my generosity. I expect utmost discretion. You do realize that if you fail—"

"I will not." The Rejkav leader bowed one final time before the screen snapped out to blackness.

Smoke and Shadow: The Fireweaver, Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن