Chap 23: Bloody nightmare

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(This is a nightmare that Avery had. It's also technically a memory from his past life.) the photo above is stage two of his life btw. Also there's gonna be blood and gore like the title says. And this is stage two of the past lives. Avery in total only have two lives. The lives are scrambled so Avery won't know what he is dreaming about.

It was a cold freezing January morning. A boy with white hair and bloodied knife was standing over a body of girl. The boy had a black bag hanging from him. The boys eyes were changing colors. Switching between blood red to sky blue. The boy stares at the girl lying there dead. He then proceeds to take all of her vital organs and store them in a jar.

He then picked up the empty body of the girl and dragged her all to a river nearby. He then threw her in smiling. He went back to the death place and took out a spray can he had. He spray painted on the wall his signature death mark. It was a Fox's face with a cross on the ear.

Then he ran away. He quickly put on a fox mask. He ran through the streets until he got to a row of houses that was abandoned. He jumped on the roof and ran through the whole community until he reached a warehouse. He jumped down and walked into the warehouse. There he was met with a green headed boy in formal clothes.Another boy with ash blond hair and wearing casual clothes. And a whole gang of people.

"What did you get this time? Did you kill another girl who's after your senpai? Ivory Awai?" The green head asks warily. Ivory takes off his mask and smirks.

"I had to kill her Zuku Izoka. She was trying to date all of our senpais. Including yours." The blond spoke up "Did you at least get her organs Ivory?" Ivory threw down his backpack. "It's in there Sukio Katuri. Get what you need"

Sukio nodded and took the jars. He was about to open them when one of the other gang men snatched his arm and said "Shouldn't we sell the organs?" Sukio snapped his hand and slapped the man. "Don't touch me. Until you prove that your worthy of my attention don't think about touching me EXTRA!" Then Sukio left and took the jars into a deeper corner. Ivory was talking to Zuku about trying to kill the other girls that flirts with their senpais. Ivory gave up and told the others they needed to get ready for school. They all nodded and then ran into a different corners with covers to change. When they all got out Ivory was still wearing a face cover.

They appointed three members of the gang to watch over everyone else. Then they all ran to school. When they got there it was just the beginning of school. They walked in and was jeered with their senpais. Two of them had red hair. One of the has half red half white hair. One of the red haired has blue eyes. "Hi Tochi Yanomami!!" Ivory greeted.

Zuku and Sukio was averting any eye contract. They talked for a bit before going to their lockers. Ivory followed Tochi and watched him open his locker. But as soon as he opened it he was hit with an avalanche of love letters. Ivory pulled Tochi out of the pile with a panicked look. Tochi came out breathless and glared at the locker.

Ivory was glued to one of the letters. It was pitch black. And there were red letters. Ivory picked it up and helped get Tochi get his stuff.

Time skip in Yumescape happened somehow.

Ivory showed Tochi the letter. Tochi opened the letter and immediately paled. He showed the letter to Ivory with shaking hands. It was a death letter. The other person was threatening to kill Tochi's brother Shokuta Yanomami(Izuku's senpai). Ivory gasped and quickly took a picture. He was trying to calm Tochi down, but behind his back he sent Zuka and Sukio the picture.

More time skips because Idk what to do with this bloody dream.

Ivory was in the warehouse with Zuka. Sukio was analyzing who the girl or person was. Ivory was planning what to do and when to do it. Zuku was mixing poisens. Ivory had let Zuku on with him because Zuku's senpai was involved. Sukio was along with this because a very similar letter was given to Enjiko Shikamata(Sukio senpai) Sukio was out to get that one himself. Ivory decided to do it on the weekend so they had more time.

Ivory walked into a secret room somewhere near the back of the warehouse. No one else was there right now because Ivory had sent out letters to all the members that they weren't going to all meet. Ivory walked through the door and was met with a giant lab with vats and crystal coffins. He walked through quickly until he reached a cage with a girl in it. She was bloodied and chained up.  Ivory then walked into the cell and told her she wasn't needed anymore. He slowly cut out her guts then pulled her eyeballs out. She was screaming and crying. Ivory then slotted her throat.

Then Ivory then went back to the lab. He started messing around and making a bunch of things until he manage to make the poison that he was looking for.

He manage to condense and mix together hemlock, belladonna, and giant hogweed. He had also put in foxglove and nightshade. He also squeezed some mistletoe berry juice in the poison. Now his handmade poison was done.

Really Zuku would be better for this but Ivory just had to try to make one of his own!!

Ivory took the poison out to Zuku for inspection. Zuku smiled and said "Use this to kill the girls. I found out that the people who sent those letters are two girls who like your senpai and Sukio's senpai. One of them was daring enough to threaten mine."

"Kill them tomorrow at dusk. Remember to put in our signature death sign." Said Zuku.
Ivory laughed and put the poison in a bag.

-We are now exiting Yumescape. Thank you for your cooperation.

Avery sat up immediately. He quickly walked out to get a cup of water and was met with his two brothers. They were pale. Like deathly pale. Avery took one look at them and guessed that they had all shared a dream. Chie,Flame and Yuki were all still sleeping.

Avery decided to ask all of them to tell their side of the dream. Izuku and Bakugo nodded slowly.

Word count: 1137

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