"Great," Yuffie mumbles, leaving the bathroom in her own clothing. Midnight blue shirt with white flowers and those stupid khaki shorts that give me guy issues. Nice butt, Yuff. Ugh... Why me?

"How do you manage to lace those so fast," Tifa frowns, watching Yuffie tie up one of her tall boots.

"Practice, little one," she replies with a small smirk.

"I'm older than you," Tifa scoffs.

"As is everyone else in Avalanche," she points out boredly. The long haired girl gives a nod of agreement and look back over at me.

"So are we going then?"

"Yeah?" I furrow my eyebrows. "You seem... Excited."

"I've missed walking across the planet with you guys," she grins. "The experience, the nature, and all the bonding..."

"Bonding?" Yuffie and Barret scoff at the same time. They hated each other so much when she first joined. He was perfect game to pick on and she was annoying. Very. And to think the whole time she was climbing on me was because she had some crush... Strange.

"More like fighting every five seconds," the man scowls.

"No, not fighting. Just extremely difficult friendship," Tifa defends.

"I think you two traded personalities," I raise an eyebrow at the girls.

"I still lack the enormous cleavage," Yuffie looks down.

"I said personality," I roll my eyes while Barret gives her a confused look.

"Wait, I don't understand..."

"Just avoid thinking about it. We'll leave around ten. Sound okay?" I look at Tifa.

"Perfect. I still have to go wake Vincent up."

"I'd leave him alone, especially since he still sleeps with a gun under his pillow," I shudder, remembering the times I'd tried to get him up at an inn only to have a firearm pressed to my temple with the safety off. He'd been so different back then, and now he acts like a normal person. I can't help but think that maybe Avalanche helped that in some way.

"Eh, I'm used to being held at gunpoint in the morning," she waves me off.

"Ooookay then. Glad to know you don't cram that huge sword of yours under the covers," Yuffie looks at me with a look of slight fear. We never sent her to wake him up, but he still used to creep her out.

"How do you know?" I smirk.

"Because it's too warm for that clunky piece of crap."

"I don't know if I should be flattered or offended," I frown, cocking my head to the side.


"Offended," Barret speaks at the same time as Tifa. She rolls her eyes before leaving the room.


"Hey Vince, there's water in the air, right?" Tifa asks boredly as we trek across an large open field.


"And we breathe air?"

"Do I have to answer that one, Teef?"

"So does that mean we breathe water?"

"... In a way, I guess."

Yuffie cocks her head to the side for a moment, thinking, before she pumps a fist into the air, shouting "We are fish!"

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