"Well that s#% was close." Riley Said. "You think?" Lex said. "Okay, we got close enough to the area Jay landed. Now what? He isn't there." Jose Said. "Something happened to him with those creatures." Julia said more worried than ever. "Good news, since Jay was here, that means he's close." Eva said. "The glasses that he has on are close. I can locate it from the radar." Eva said. "Nice..and where is it coming from?" Julia asked. "..In the sky." Eva said. "Alright how the hell are we gonna get up there?" Riley Said. "Skype can lift one at a time. So it'd be dangerous if he tries to carry all of us at the same time." Riley Said. "There's some things all of you can use. It's all the way back to Jay's father's work building." Eva said. "You mean Apexi? The greatest technological building?" Jose Said. "Correct. They have a huge storage area full of things that are completed or still worked on." Eva said. "Well, it's not too far, lets go." Lex said. Again, they rode their vehicles to the building, that wasn't far.

>>>>>> Skip >>>>>>

The building, of course, was extremely destroyed like any other one.

[Something like this, but like 15x bigger]

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[Something like this, but like 15x bigger]

"Its seems kinda weird seeing the most worked on building getting demolished." Riley Said. They went inside to find that protected facility. "It has to be close." Lex said. "Just take down the hall, and then to your right. Then downstairs, then there it is." Eva said. They followed the instructions to find the underground facility.

"I could live here

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"I could live here." Riley Said. "Now what should we get to find Jay in the air?" He asked. "Perhaps the ones with a cover over them." Eva suggested. The took the covers off and Eva told them the code to open them. After that, it opened to reveal some new and unused jet packs.

 After that, it opened to reveal some new and unused jet packs

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