Through The Gray Blinds [61°]

Start from the beginning

I sigh when I realize he was expecting something. The only reason he came in here was to see if I had been able to get Taehyung to throw a ball.

I grab Taehyung's attention by touching his arm. I hold the urge to roll my eyes. "Oh. Taehyung. Should we tell Korain...about the formal dance?" I honestly don't care if my acting is bad. Taehyung doesn't know what's going on.

Korain's eyes sparkle, his hands coming up to his face. "A formal dance yuh say? Like a ballroom dance that's Victorian themed where we dress up 'n wear masks over our eyes 'n eat great food served to us on silver platers?" His gaze shifts to me for a split second.

Taehyung pinches the bridge of his nose. He answers Korain's questions with a subtle nod. "It'll probably take place in three weeks. If you want color correlating outfits with Jeon, then talk to the tailors."

"What makes ya think I want Jeon as my date-"

"Don't fucking start."

Korain cackles, prancing around the open space in his office. Taehyung yells at him to finish the lollipop or throw it away before he drops it and gets the stickiness on any of the furniture. Korain obviously isn't listening, too indulged in his own fantasies to hear.

He begins to dance, humming to a tune. "Wow, I can't wait! It'll be so fuckin' fun. There'll be live music, people chattin', assortments of finger foods, heated tension between two people trying to go for the same person..." He wiggles his eyebrows. "It'll be like watchin' a live drama!"

"You are such an embarrassment." Taehyung bellows as he watches Korain make a fool out of himself.

"Why? 'Cause I'm lactose intolerant?"

"I didn't say that.

"Yuh were thinkin' it." Korain stops dancing, his body facing me. "Well, what'dya think? Is it 'cause of that?"

Taehyung moves me behind him. He tells me not to answer him. Korain scoffs, saying that I could speak for myself. He's not wrong, Taehyung keeps doing stuff for his sake. Not for mine. I keep silent anyway, not really feeling like talking to the lunatic on the other side of the room.

Korain sighs, stretching out his neck. "I love talkin' with yuh, Taehyung. It's good to 'ave yuh around." He looks at Taehyung who's glaring at him. 'Good to have you around?' that kind of sounds like a threat..."Stop starin' at me before I kiss yuh on yer lips." He laughs, dodging a stapler Taehyung throws at him.

Why is he still in here? I can feel the hairs rise on the back of my neck whenever he makes a subtle glance in my direction. Taehyung somehow isn't catching it. "Where did you get that candy from?"

"Why, yuh want some?" Korain retorts back, Taehyung glowering at him. He chuckles. "Kiddin'. Jeon wants me to stop smokin', so that Dr. Kim guy gave me these lolli's to put in my mouth instead when I went to go get my wounds cleaned." He points toward the small bandage near his bottom lip and eyebrow. "I only put these in my mouth 'cause I was just around Jeon." He shrugs, tongue wrapping back around the head of the red lollipop once he finishes talking.


"He fuckin' raped her."

Namjoon lifts his head up from the papers in his hand upon Hoseok barging into his office; fuming, agitated. Jimin was lounging on the leather chairs in front of Namjoon's desk, picking dirt from underneath his nails with a playing card until the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by the door being slammed open (both of them were summoned by Hoseok to meet in Namjoon's office while Hoseok took care of some things).

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