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I jolt awake gasping for air. I look around.


Im in my room alone and safe. No hybrids and no blood.

Was it all a dream?

It cant be! It felt so.. real.. No.. It cant be! It was really a dream?

A bad one at that.

I quickly stand up sliding on a white shirt with a mysterious cream colored stain on it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I quickly stand up sliding on a white shirt with a mysterious cream colored stain on it.

I have to tell yoongi and Joon hyung about this!

I run out of my room almost tripping over my game controller and bust open my door speeding down the stairs. If you saw me, you'd think I was a mad man.

I run into the kitchen and see Joon making a cup of coffee while Yoongi is just standing in front of the open refrigerator.

"GUYS! I had the wackest dream ever! You guys were there!"

Namjoon looks at me taking a quiet sip of his coffee "Go on. What was it about?"

I inhale getting ready to tell him about my dream "Okay, so you guys were like Jungkook comE On geT a hYbriD iT wiLl Help yoU leaRn responsibilitY. So I ended up getting one and boy, he was BEAUTIFUL! You guys got one too. Not as beautiful as mine but they were decent. So I start basically neglecting him by going out and fucking some dude and Yoongi.hyung was getting allllll mad! Well, one morning im on the roof looking out at the city and my hybrid runs up and I basically chunk him off the roof. Then Namjoons hybrid busted out and stabbed me!"

Namjoon starts to laugh "My hybrid sounds like a badass."

I roll my eyes "He almost kILLED me! But anyways, as I was SAYING before I was RUDELY interrupted, I got sent to a mental hospital after I healed and I was in that padded room with a straight jacket and suddenly my hybrids ghost or whatever appears and torments me! He eventually gets mad and shoots me then I woke up."

Yoongi looks at me unamused "Crazy."

I nod frantically " I know right!"

Yoongi takes about out of an apple while still looking at me "I fail to understand why I was in it though. It seems as if I had no purpose but to yell at your and scold you."

I chuckle "Yep. That was your purpose."

Namjoon pipes in "Did I have a purpose? What did I do?"

I think about it for a few seconds before answering "You did drive us to and from the hybrid place but thats all I can remember."

"Wack." He walks to the livingroom.

I follow after signaling Yoongi to follow also.

"Guys, how about we go to Starbucks?"

Yoongi looks at me like im crazy "And be like those white girls posting their sometimes ugly drink that is very unhealthy on snapchat? No thank you. All I'll be hearing is sksksks and I oop- Like no, Ill see you later."

I roll my eyes "Show respect to the VSCO community, BRIAN!"

He scoffs "Thats not my name, KAREN!"

I look at him offended "Let me speak to your manager."

Namjoon steps between us "Hey hey ladies, break it up. Yoongi, you can stay here. Jungkook, lets go to Starbucks."

I nod sticking my tongue out at Yoongi and walk out of the house with Namjoon closely following.

-Skip to Starbucks-

I sit down with my drink and Namjoon soon sits down also. I look aorund, the smell of coffee inhabiting in my nose. Not a very good smell in my opinion but I shall survive.

I look at Namjoon. He staring at someone giving them love eyes.

I turn around "Wh-"

Its them.

The men from my dreams.



OKAY. I honestly didnt think I'd ever have to explain this but im tired of my readers in the comments saying "Its so unrealistic" "What is this?" Everything was a dream until this chapter. Dreams are not usually realistic or logical. Please keep that in mind. Thanks ♡

Cheater // Taekook (Short Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن