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(Short chapter)

Taehyung follows me onto the roof and looks over the railing at the city "wowww!"

I chuckle still looking at the city "Its beautiful, right?"

He shows me his box smile while nodding frantically "But youre more beautiful, Jeon Jungkook!"

I roll my eyes "Shut the fuck up you dont know shit about me and you never will."

He pouts "I think you need some love.."

I glare down at him "As if. I love myself and thats all I need in this world."

Taehyung hugs me and nuzzles his face into my chest while purring. I feel disgusting.. I push him off and grab him by the neck.

"Do not touch me! I will throw you off this roof!"

He looks at me with hurt, tired eyes "Do it.. I have nothing to live for, I have failed my owner."

I smirk " Gladly."

Im about to throw him off but Namjoons hybrid runs onto the roof "No! Do NOT throw my baby!"

Namjoonruns up also chasing after his wild hybrid.

I scoff and laugh sarcastically "Or what? You wont do shit."

I look at Taehyung, whos crying, and pick him up by his little neck and toss him off the roof and I wait until I hear the 'splat' noise of his body hitting the ground.

Namjoons hybrid screams and runs over the rail and looks down horrified then looks at me fiercely.

"You monster... How could you? He did nothing but try to love you!"

He growls and pulls a knife out of his pocket. He glares at me and creeps closer. I watch him not believing that he would stab me.

I couldnt be more wrong, though.

He stabs me multiple times and the last thing I hear is Namjoon screaming my Name and the word Jin.

Everything is black.

A/n: Im sorry-

Cheater // Taekook (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now