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I come back home around 9 pm and see Namjoon and Yoongi sitting on the couch. I roll my eyes and try to walk past them but before I make it to the hallway Yoongi grabs my wrist.

"Cant we just talk, Jungkook? We are worried for you.. We talked you into getting a hybrid so you will learn responsibility but it seems its not working."

I roll my eyes and yank my wrist away from him grip "Im no good, hyung. You of all people should know this too."

Namjoon stands up as Yoongi sighs "Kook.. you used to be so sweet and gentle. What happened?"

I scoff "I wasnt born to be quiet and let people push me around, I was born to make the world shatter and to make people shake at my fingertips."

He looks at me almost helplessly "No it not.. that is not the reason why you were born! Youre young and handsome, dont use it to do bad things! You have a whole hybrid to care for and youre out fucking random people!"

I glare at him and cross my arms "Hes not a random person."

How dare he? I KNOW my fuck buddy. If I didnt then I wouldnt have sex with him. Plus, who cares if I have a hybrid anyways? I bought him for sex but thats obviously not going to happen.

Namjoons hybrid walks downstairs and immediately goes to Namjoon "Joonie, all your shirts are dirty."

Namjoon looks at him amused "Wear your pajamas?"

His hybrid, which I do not know the name of, scoffs "As if! I want to wear your clothes!"

I roll my eyes. Theyre so domestic or whatever you would call it. Couldnt be me.

I walk upstairs to my own room only to find my hybrid, Taehyung, passed out on my bed wearing one of my white shirts. I feel the anger bubbling up inside of me but im too tired to do anything about it so I just change into sweatpants and no shirt and slide into bed with my back facing him. As I close my eyes I feel him cuddling up against my back but I'm too tired to push him away.

I keep my eyes close and start to think. Why did I even buy him? I thought he was cute but hes too high maintenance for me. Having to provide food and water? No. Having to provide him clothing? Nada. Having to provide him attention? Nope. Having to provide him love? Nah. Having to provide him care? Nien.

He can care for himself and love himself because im sure as hell not going to do it. I have enough shit to do. Plus hes a little bitch. If I say ONE mean thing, he cries. Thats so fucking annoying! But he does feel warm against my back... I mean sure, hes cute and all but I just dont want to take care of him. It would be wayyyyy better if I could just look at him, touch him, and feel him cuddle me and not have to give him anything else. That would be paradise. Having someone to come home to and cuddle. But its whatever. Anger is better than tears, better than guilt, and better than love.

Love is for the weak and I refuse to love ever again. Except for myself. I love myself, obviously.

You may say im overdramatic and maybe I am but I speak the truth and I always will. Most things I say, I mean. If I dont like you, ill tell you. If I do like you, I wont straight up tell you but I wont be mean to you. Im rambling in my thoughts arent I? I guess I should try to sleep.

I keep my eyes close and try to stay still because I read online if you stay still for 15 minutes you will fall asleep.

-The Next Day-

I wake up laying on my back with something slightly heavy on my chest. I look and its Taehyung. He has his head on my chest with one of his legs over my waist and my arm has somehow found its way around his waist.

I may stay like this just for a few more minutes... Everything is peaceful and warm. Quietness and cuddles. Perfect combination. I wish everyday could be like this. Quiet, warm, close, and peaceful.

But alas, everything must come to an end.

He wakes up and looks up at me tiredly. He then smiles widely after see we are cuddling. I roll my eyes disgusted and push him off. He makes a hurt noise but I could care less. I get up sliding on a shirt and walk out while hearing him pad behind me. I look at the time on the microwave after walking to the kitchen. 5:39 am. I ruffle my own hair and walk up the stairs to the roof and look out at the dark, still city.

A/n: Ive finally updated lmao!! Stuffs about to go down next chapter.. 😈😈☻🤡

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