"No I'm not."

"...you promise?"

"I promise." he sighs looking over at me, as if contemplating whether he should actually tell me what I already know or not.

"I-I think you stuttering is kinda.. cute. Really cute. Oh who am I kidding I think it's adorable."

"...come again?"

"It's just you're always so confident that you never stutter or trip over your words so when you stuttered like that earlier... I don't know... I guess it's just nice to see you a little less guarded once in a while." He says, blushing the whole time. Why does he have to be so damn cute? I sit down and start eating my food.

"You gonna eat nerd?" He snaps back to the plate of food in front of him, devouring the whole thing in five minutes. 

"Kacchan I didn't know you were that good of a cook" He says.

"When your parents aren't home for weeks you pick things up to cure your boredom. I decided cooking would be good since it takes a long time." I say. He looks at me and then at the wall beside me, thinking. His thinking face is so cute. 

"Hey Kacchan there's a fair in town today. Wanna go check it out?" Time to fuck with him again. 

"Is that your lame attempt at a date?" He turns red and stares at his lap.

"Kinda..." ok now I feel bad.

"Tsk... sure Izuku lets go to the fair." I say. His eyes light up. It reminds me of that Christmas we had when we were kids. When I got him that all Might figure because I knew he wanted it by the way he begged his mom to get it for him. Imagine my surprise when I found out he got the very same one that day. I wonder if he still has it. 

"Let's grab our stuff and go then. If we wanna get there while everything is open." I say. He nods frantically and goes to grab his stuff.

Deku's P.O.V

We start walking toward the fair, enjoying each other's company in the comfortable silence. The air is warm, a light breeze accompanying it. In other words, it's a perfect day for the fair. I'm so happy Kacchan decided to come. It would be boring sitting at home doing nothing. 

"Hold on I'll be right back." I say, running over to the ticket booth and buying enough for the whole day. I run back to Kacchan, handing him his tickets with an ice cream in my hand. 

"Why did you buy so many tickets? We stayin all day or something?" He asks, to which I nod eagerly. He chuckles. "Ok nerd we'll stay all day. But I get to choose the last thing we do, ok?"

"Deal! Now come on! I wanna go play games!" I say, running toward the claw machine and feeding some tickets into the slot (apparently claw machines accept tickets now lol). I go for the green bunny, grabbing it successfully on the first try.

"Yes!" I exclaim, watching the toy as it travels to the other side of the machine. But of course it had to get stuck on the plastic barrier, balancing perfectly, not swaying to either side. 

"Oh come on!" I say with a sigh. "All well. Come on Kacchan let's go-" I'm cut off by a loud bang. Kacchan just hit the claw machine. I watch as the bunny falls into the claim basket with a soft thud. Kacchan stoops down and retrieves it from the bin.

"Here nerd." He says, handing me the plush and turning away. 

"Kacchan why did you do that?" I ask. 

"Because it was something you wanted and I wanted you to have it." He answers simply, shrugging it off as if it were normal to ram your shoulder into a claw machine. 

"What do you wanna name it?" He asks. I think for a moment. 

"Imma name it broccoli." Kacchan looks at me for a moment before bursting into laughter. Happy, genuine laughter. 

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You look like a peice of broccoli and your naming it broccoli. It's a bunny version of you." He says. I pout slightly before letting a smile place itself on my face.

"He shall henceforth be known as broccoli Midoriya!" I say. Kacchan laughs and takes my hand, leading me toward some other games.

1219 words. You're welcome BakuDeku fans  :3

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