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Katsuki Bakugo stares at the night sky, glittered with stars, his signature egotistical grin plastered across his face. He took in sharp breaths, pain surging through his body as the cold wind travelled through his lungs. He couldn't hear anything, not the sound of the sirens, nor the murmur of people as they stare at his wounded body. As the paramedics lifted him on to a stretcher, Bakugo stared at the villain - which called himself 'Scar' - being strapped on to a stretcher, smiling at him. Bakugo could feel fire welling up in his stomach. He wanted to beat the living shit out of that asshole. Scar was an odd one for sure - a Quirkless villain proficient in hand to hand combat and weaponry. Proficient enough that he was able to almost incapacitate one of UA's top students. However, Bakugo won the battle, and that was what heroes do. They win every time.

Bakugo stares at the rain knocking against his hospital window. The night sky contrasting with the bright room. He stared at his reflection, a bandage wrapped around his head while bruises and cuts littered his body. Slowly pulling his black V-neck over his body dressing himself. He grimaced as every now and then when he felt his head throbbing with pain.

Tomorrow he will be discharged from the hospital and he can finish his last semester at U.A. But for now he just has one more night to get through.

"Mr. Bakugo?" He recognized this voice by now. It was his nurse, daintily opening the door. "You have a visitor."

Bakugo clicked his tongue, he didn't really want to deal with any more extras today but he knew they came to just drop off any study materials he missed in today's class.

"Hello Bakugo," Yaoyorozu Momo greeted, holding a bag of books in her hand. Her eyes lighting up, Bakugo knew she was just excited to teach him their lecture. However, today he especially didn't want to deal with any more extras.

"Look Ponytail, I don't need you to fucking greet me or teach me the goddamn lesson. Just drop the shit and fuck off." Bakugo aggressively took the book bag from Momo and laid down on his bed. Quickly looking at the notes and ignoring her existence.

Yaoyorozu rolls her eyes, annoyed at Bakugo's usual abrasive attitude. Bakugo could see her cheeks puffing and her hands falling on her hips.

"Why are you so against receiving help?"

"Why the fuck would I ask you when I ranked number one in the exam?" He smirked. He watches her usual pale complexion turned pink.

"You're —"

Before Yaoyorozu could finish her sentence, Bakugo's doctor entered his room. He was out of breath, sweaty and slightly nervous facing the explosive student. "I'm sorry, there are some private matters I have to discuss with Mr. Bakugo." Yaoyorozu bowed and quickly left the room. Bakugo watched her as she gently closed the door.

"Mr. Bakugo, about your head injury," the doctor began, looking at his clipboard. "The man you fought, Scar, he...may not have been Quirkless after all."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow at this statement. If he was t Quirkless, why hadn't he used his quirk on Bakugo?

"It seems, he has an... extremely rare type of quirk." Bakugo could see him sweating more, gulping at his next sentences. "His quirk reacts with the brain and causes dysfunction between the quirk and it's user."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Well, it's a possibility that in the future, due to these ... misfires , your quirk may no longer... function..."

Bakugo's heart sank. The future he dreamed of suddenly shattered in one instant. The possibility of him becoming Quirkless because of some extra. Anger quickly surged through his body, small explosions setting off in his palms. The smoke from his explosions catching the attention of the sprinkler system.

"Bakugo!" It's that stupid voice again.

She came up to him and grabbed his arm, making him face her. She's gotten shorter, or maybe he just grew taller. Why was she even here?

Bakugo could see worry in her eyes. Her brows furrowed with concern and her initial touch slowly turning gentle.

"Fuck off, Ponytail."

Catching Feelings (BakuMomo)Where stories live. Discover now