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The lights from the lanterns illuminated the small town, festive music playing throughout the speakers mixing with the conversations of the townsfolk and the scent of delicious food filled the air. To Bakugo's surprise, quite a number of people were in attendance - he didn't really believe there were that many people living in such a small town. Or perhaps people from other towns were visiting the festival as well.

"Bakugo look at that!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed, excitedly pointing at a stall that sold takoyaki. "I can't wait to try all the food!"

She is the perfect example of a kid in a candy store, Bakugo thought. He wasn't aware that someone could be so excited over something so... ordinary. However, with her excitement and the crowd, Bakugo was quickly losing her.

"Oi!" Bakugo calls after her, his voice being drowned out by the crowd. "Ponytail!"

Yaoyorozu didn't turn around, nor did she seem to notice the person she roped in falling behind. Perhaps this is Bakugo's chance to just ditch her. Why did he even need to come? She's clearly enjoying the festival without his assistance.

"Hey, did you see that girl?"

Bakugo could hear male voices beside him.

"The one in the red and white yukata?"


"Oh man, she's totally my type."

"I'm going to try and get her number."

Bakugo walked behind them, approaching the same target. As the three boys approached Yaoyorozu, Bakugo quickened his pace.

"Excuse—" before one of them could finish his sentence, Bakugo cut in between the two friends.

"Ah, there you are!" Bakugo greeted her casually.

"Sorry, I was just so excited." Yaoyorozu laughed, covering her mouth. Bakugo noticed the small serving of takoyaki in her hand.

Bakugo stole a quick glance at the pair of boys who had their eyes set on Yaoyorozu. He felt a bit of smug satisfaction upon seeing their irritated faces.

"Shit, I thought she was by herself." One of them complained.

"Doesn't look like a boyfriend though."

Bakugo listened to their conversation as they walked past them.

"Yeah man, she's way out of his league. Let's try again later when she's alone."

Bakugo glared at them as they continued to steal glances at her. What the fuck do they mean she's out of my league. Bakugo thought, irritated. She's not even that pretty. He reasoned to himself, while staring at her.

"Did you want to try some?" Yaoyorozu asked, noticing him staring at her. She holds up a piece of takoyaki on a toothpick towards him. Bakugo nods and leans in to eat the takoyaki.

"This is fucking tasty."

"Isn't it?!" She agreed, cheerfully. "Alright! Where to next?"
After an hour of walking around the festival, Bakugo and Yaoyorozu took a break at one of the seating areas.

Bakugo looked at his watch, there were only 30 minutes left before the firework display - and until this little excursion ended. He was surprised at how fast the time had gone by, and at how much food Yaoyorozu actually consumed.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want anything?" Bakugo asked her.

"Oh, I would love to try some milk tea please." She reaches into her purse but before she could offer him money he had already left.

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