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I recently had another Wattpadder asking if I could help find a book for her based on description. Because I've been put in this position before, I couldn't ignore it and neither should you.

If any of you think you recognize this book, please comment so I can get it to her to read.


Hi there, 

I was wondering if you might be able to help me find a book I read a while ago and absolutely loved but cannot find anywhere!!

 I also cannot remember the name or author.

 I was wondering if I explained the story to you if you might be able to give me some insight as to what it might be called?

 It was set in a small town with the main character called Elizabeth. Her parents were famous in Hollywood and she had an estranged relationship with them. She moved to a small town to get away from her parents name and worked as a professor at s college/university. She changed her last name so she wasn't associated with her parents, and she only kept in contact with her sister. She meets a guy at a bar one night and he is there visiting his family for a few weeks. His family are very wealthy and have large properties in this town. He works for as an engineer/race car designer.

 Elizabeths parents find out about her relationship with this guy and start to blackmail her and use her for publicity. I believe her parents used to have a reality tv show and it was revealed her parents manager or someone similar assaulted Elizabeth at a young age, so she sued her parents. At the end of the book Elizabeth and this guy both take in the UK.

 I am desperate to find this story so any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks a lot, Jess

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