He set the glass into Yoongi's hand, gently lifting it towards his lips, "Finish this and then tell me what's wrong."

Even as Yoongi drank, tears streamed down his face and broke Hoseok's heart further. The younger encased the older's free hand in his, stroking the back of it gently while he waited. He always knew the older enjoyed hand massages, no matter the occasion.

Once the glass is done, Yoongi clutched it, knuckles white again and that's when Hoseok noticed the wedding band box on the coffee table. "Did you lose a ring? Hyungie, that's fine. I mean I'll figure something out. There's no need to cry about it," the black haired male moved to retrieve said box when Yoongi squeezed his hand, a silent plea to not let go.

The room went still.

Hoseok raised his honey brown eyes to meet Yoongi's small reddened ones and suddenly Yoongi's lips crashed into his.

Shock kept the wide eyed boy from pulling away, brain malfunctioning as the older's lips coerced him into a dance of passion, anguish and love.

This was his Yoongi. His rock. His best friend. His entire beginning and end.

This was his Hoseok. His tether. His soulmate. His life and death.

Yoongi was never good with words, with feelings. Hoseok was always the first to say "I love you" or to make mushy comments. 

So the lavender haired male was hoping and praying that this kiss would translate all the words he never said over the past 10 years. He was hoping it washed away the lips of horrible ex girlfriends and failed love attempts. He was hoping it erased his fiancee completely. 

They broke apart, Yoongi pulling away, their chests heaving from the sudden thickness in the air.

"W-why?" Hoseok stuttered, frozen in place. "Hyung, y-you... y-you..."

Yoongi gathered his courage from deep within himself, attempting to pull himself together one final time, "I love you, Hobi. With all of my being. No- I'm... I'm in love with you. I can't let you go. I tried- trust me I did. I never wanted to be the reason you wouldn't have happiness, but I need you to be mine. I don't want to live without you in my arms-"

Those words shook the younger in action. He yanked his hand away, palm slick with sweat. "Leave," he demanded, getting back onto his feet. "Get out."

"I'm so sorry, Hobi-"

"It's Hoseok," the raven haired man growled. "Get out."

At this point Yoongi was back in shambles, tears clouding his vision that had only just begun to clear as he shakily set down the glass. "Hoseok, please... I didn't want to do this! I-I'll go back to being your best friend," his tone became hysterical, eyes squinted in pain, pale skin seeming to lose even more color. "I'll still be your best man, please don't leave me!" His hiccups started again, interrupting his every word, "I- only- have- you. It- hurt- so- much- without- you- knowing-"

"Why now?!" Hoseok shouted, looming over the elder. "Why on my wedding day?! Why after everything has been settled, Yoongi?! Is this a sick game to you?!"


"You don't love me. You can't!" His fingers pulled at his hair, a habit Yoongi would normally scold him for, but was too afraid to in the moment. "T-this is a test isn't it? Kim sent you here, didn't she? To show I'm loyal? To prove that I love her? That I'm in love with her?" Yoongi whimpered in response, which was ignored by the ranting Hoseok, "Well I don't want you. I-I don't even have feelings for you! I never have, never will!" He spun in circles, eyes searching for someone not there, "There, I said it! ARE YOU HAPPY?"

The silence was deafening.

Yoongi’s mouth opened and closed without finding purchase. He was struggling to breathe, his quiet sobs draining the last energy from him. 

What do you say when the person you're in love with doesn't love you the same?

Seconds that felt like hours passed before Hoseok broke into a pace in front of the couch, hands pulling violently at his hair as if it would answer his question. He couldn't tell if he was feeling more betrayed because of himself or Yoongi. 

Because, for a split second, an entire heartbeat, he felt bliss. He felt safe. He felt happy.

"Yo-you don't love me," the raven haired male vehemently hissed, "You have Jimin."

The older swallowed a lump in his throat, feeling shame course through him, "I have him, but I don't love him... He's not you."

Hoseok felt as if within 5 minutes his entire life had been yanked from his grasp, the entity teasing him with his future and past. 

Yoongi was Hoseok's. Hoseok was Yoongi's.

But they had never tried to take that route. They never told each other.

They had both been too afraid to disrupt their relationship by tainting it with titles.

Until now. 

Until there was no choice but to say that the two were madly in love.

That Hoseok was only marrying Kim because Yoongi wanted him to.

That Yoongi was only dating Jimin because Hoseok wanted him to.

Suddenly Hoseok broke into loud, wailing sobs that shook his body to the bone. He collapsed onto his knees, weakly crawling to rest his head in Yoongi's lap. "What are we gonna do?" he croaked out, hands digging into the cushions either side of Yoongi's legs. 

There was no point in fighting the truth anymore.
But Yoongi truly didn't know the answer to the question, "What do you want to do?"

They sat in silence, eyes closed, tears streaming with a profound intensity.

Neither know how much time had passed before they whispered in unison, "Run."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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