
When you woke up the next morning, you were alone in the tent. You got out and no one was here. You were about to start looking for them when someone talked behind you.

"They went on a walk to find wood for tonight's bonfire."

You turned around and Yoongi was standing there, his hands in his pockets.

"Why didn't you go with them ?"

"We couldn't leave you alone and I'm tired anyway."

You looked at him with a blank face, wondering why they thought leaving you alone with him was a good idea.

"Do you want to eat something ?" he asked, "You like cereals right ?"

"How do you know this ?"

He looked confused for a second before quickly taking his emotionless face again.

"I heard it when the others were talking about you I guess."

You looked at him suspiciously, not fully convinced. You were probably looking really weird but you couldn't help but feel crept out by him. That's why you left him there without saying anything else to go eat by yourself, but he didn't seem to get the message because he followed you.

"Why did you go for a walk in the middle of the night ?"

"I needed some fresh air."

"Did you have a nightmare ?"

You looked at him as he was staring at you, waiting for an answer. Something really was wrong with this guy, you thought as he watched you eat in silence.


He seemed satisfied with your answer but didn't stop there, making you more uncomfortable by the second.

"Is it because of what happened ? Do you dream about this ?"

"Why do you ask all these questions ?" You stared at him as he looked embarrassed for a second before having a blank face quickly after. You noticed he was really good at hiding emotions quickly but you were even better at reading people. Too bad for him.

"Sorry, I didn't think it was bothering you. I apologize, I shouldn't be too curious," he said quietly and you felt bad suddenly. That's when you realized he was also really good at making people feel bad about themselves by acting like the victim. He seemed to be a great manipulator as well.

"It's alright," you simply said, not wanting to make him the victim by apologizing but still feeling bad for acting rudely.

He shook his head and looked down as you finished eating your breakfast, but you soon started talking together, avoiding touchy topics. When the others finally came back, you had learnt a little more about him. He told you he was a student in journalism and he had known Namjoon for a little less than three years —which was why you had never seen him around before you went missing.

As soon as he came back, Taehyung came towards you with a big smile.

"Y/N, I found the perfect spot to take pictures !"

You smiled as you got up, already forgetting about Yoongi.

"That's great ! What are you waiting for, go take some !"

"I need you to come with me, I want you to be on my pics," he said with a smile as he already took your hand to make you follow him.

You were both walking away from the camp when someone called Taehyung's name.

"Can I come with you ?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung immediately looked at you, asking for permission. You shrugged and Taehyung smiled, waving at Jungkook to join the both of you. You wondered why would Jungkook want to spend time almost alone with you when he had been trying to avoid you for the past few days, but you shook it off and decided to only focus on having a good time.

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