Chapter Five

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                Darkness begins to surround me. I stumble and fall forward but am caught by Kody. Suddenly I am floating in nothingness. I can’t tell which way is up or down, left or right. I try to scream but only cool air come out. Suddenly I am falling. As I am falling, I see memories, memories I have long since forgotten.

                Memories of my mother. Of her screaming at my father as I hid in the closet. Her screaming at him to leave and never come back for a reason I did not know let alone understand. I see memories of the crash. I was only five but I can still remember every horrible detail. I remember I was wearing my favorite blue and green shirt that day, and new shorts that I hadn’t worn before that day. I remember that my mother had just finished arguing with my father, they stopped because I had ran out of the closet crying. As I ran to my room, cheeks glistening with tears, I looked back at my mother and father. My mother was also crying, but I did not know why. Her face looked very sad, and it seemed that one half of her face was read as if she had been struck. My father’s face on the other hand looked stern and mean..

                My mother screamed at him “Now look what you’ve done.” As she pushed him into the dishes she had been doing oh so long ago. After she pushed him she ran after me. I heard my father roar in mother grabbed me from my room and took me to the car. She quickly buckled me into the car, all while my father was yelling out my mother’s name. I can’t remember what her name was. As she shut the door and ran to the driver’s side and got in. I heard the house door slam from the outside. I looked out my window and saw my father storming out to the call all while still yelling terrible things at my mother. She must not have buckled because we took off out of the driveway right away.

                Where we were going I wasn’t sure. My mother was still crying as we pulled through an intersection. She must have been wiping the tears out of her eyes or not looking at the road, because the next thing I heard was a gasp, I felt the car jerk to the left. I heard my mother’s scream above all else, but the sound of shattering glass, metal on metal, and the tearing of metal was also there. Then all at once, my mother stopped screaming, then, the car rolled.

                All of the noise stopped after that. There was a bright flash, and I was at a hospital. I was looking through a window at a boy who looked very familiar to me. Then I realized, that it was me. There were tubes and wires going all over me. I must have been crying because my eyes were red and puffy. I was conscious because when the door opened, so did my eyes. Through the door came a man in a nice suit. I lifted my head as it appeared that he was saying something, I couldn’t hear though, but apparently my five year old self did because the next thing, I was crying. I then remembered that this was when they had told me that my mother was dead.

                There was another flash and I was in a large room full of people. There was a big box on display in the front of the room. I looked around and everyone look familiar. Then it hit me. This was my mother’s funeral. I looked at my five year old self and saw that I was dressed in a small black suit with a broken arm and leg. I began move towards my mother’s casket. But when I had nearly reached it, I was stopped by some invisible force. I bashed my fists against the invisible barrier. Then, it was gone. I stumbled forward into the casket. I expected to find my deceased mother in it, but it was empty.

                ‘’ No No” I screamed. I turned and saw everyone now as Rotters shambling towards me. It seemed as if they were all mumbling my name. “Jack. Jack. Jack.” Over and over again. I started backwards, but stumbled over my feet and landed in the casket. The mumbling became moaning, the moaning became yelling. I tried to get out of the casket but I couldn’t, some unknown force was holding me down. I yelled and screamed but couldn’t speak.

                Then, there she was, right in front of me. My mother… Although she wasn’t my mother. The hollow eyes and rotting flesh said that much. Her cheeks had holes in them, maggots were pouring out of them as if they were liquid. The yelling kept getting louder, until I could barely stand it. The rotter that was once my mother was moving closer and closer until she, well, it was so close that I could smell the rotting flesh. It opened its mouth and I gaged. The stench was awful. It seemed to linger there for a few seconds. Then let out the most god-awful sound. I tried to cover my ears but it did nothing. Then, all the noise stopped. All the screaming stopped. There was no noise at all. I was wrong to think it was over. All of a sudden, the hallow shell of my mother howled my name so loud it pierced my eardrums and must’ve made me bleed from my ears.” JAAAAACCCKKK!!!”

~~Authors Note~~ Hey everyone. so sorry it has taken me so long to update I've bee so busy. but here's chapter five.

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