Chapter Four

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                I woke up to a sting of pain. I opened my eyes to find that Kody was not where she was when I fell asleep. I began to panic as I franticly searched for her with my eyes. “Kody.” I whispered. I heard a slight shuffling noise behind me and froze in fear. I slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise.

                It was Kody. She was standing by the fence. “Kody.” I said once again only a little louder. This time she turned to find me awake. She then started towards me.

                “Morning.” She said.

                “Yeah. Morning” I replied

                “Are you hungry?” Kody asked me. I nodded. “Can you walk?” Kody said.

                “Yes.” I didn’t know whether I could or not, but I wasn’t just going to lay there helpless.” I slowly stood up. I looked down at myself. I wasn’t wearing a shirt. I dismissed the fact for later. My arms and chest were covered in scabs, bruises, and scars where the scabs that had peeled off healed. My jeans were cut into shorts just above my knees and showed that my legs were also covered with bruises, scabs, and scars along with a set of stitches along my right calf.

                I leaned down and ran my fingers across them. I winced as a sharp pain shot up my spine. It looked like it was made from a cut. Probably a piece of glass. The wound was clean and the stitches we well put. It looked as if it was almost healed, which would have taken well over a week. “Did you?” I asked. Kody nodded. “How long have we been camped here?” I asked as I moved towards the mat Kody had set for me to eat at.

                “A little over two weeks.” Kody replied.

                “TWO WEEKS! How long was I out?” I blurted.

                “Well, just now you slept for about a day and a half at the least. And the rest of the time you were drifting in and out of consciousness. I could barely feed you.” Kody answered.

                “Wow. Did I have like a really high fever or something?” I asked as I dug into the cooked corn and freeze dried bacon and drank about a gallon of water. “Where did you get all this food?” I asked.

                “I found it while rummaging through some boxes at a store. There was a bunch of food there. I only took what I needed, but I’ve been going back for more when need be.” Kody answered.

                “Do you remember the name of the store?” I asked.

                “I think it was called Daisy’s Daily’s. Why?” Kody asked.

                “Oh. I was just wondering because I have a bunch of food stored in a lot of the buildings in town. That was one of them.” I said.

                “Oh. I'm sorry. I didn’t know.” Kody said.

                “No. No. It’s fine. As long as the Rotters didn’t follow you in. they didn’t did they?” I asked.

                “Ummmm. No. They didn't.” she said hesitantly. I could see it in her eyes that she was lying. I didn't call her out on it though.

                “Ok. I was almost done with that one anyway. I’ll just cross it off the map.” I said as I pulled out my map and crossed off the circle around Daisy’s Daily’s. “Now that that’s done, we need to decide whether were gonna stick together or not.” I said.

                “Well that depends. What would we do? Where would we go?” Kody asked

                “We could stay right here in Markston and finish what I started.” I replied.

                “Stay here?” Kody asked.

                “Yes. Right here. “I said back

                “What about food?” Kody asked.

                “There’s enough food to last a couple of years, plus I've been raising chickens on the outskirts of town.” I said.

“Isn't it not safe to stay in one area?” Kody asked.

                “Usually. But that’s what I've been working on.” I said.

                “What do you mean?” Kody asked.

                “I've been clearing the whole town of Rotters. There is barely any left. Other than that hoard. I have no idea where it came from though.” I said.

                “Oh. Well- never mind.” Kody said.

                “What?” I asked.

                “Not now. It'll be too much for you to process. You need to rest anyway.” Kody replied.

                “I'm fine. I don’t need to rest. Tell me.” I said

                ‘No.” Kody replied firmly.

                “I'm not gonna rest until you tell me.” I retorted.

                “Oh yes you are, whether you want to or not.” Kody said back.

                “And what's that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

                “It means that before you got up, when I set the food out, I crushed some sleeping pills into one of the water jugs. So that if you got difficult, I could put you back to sleep.  Good thing I thought ahead.” Kody said.

                “YOU DID WHAT?!” I just about shouted, but didn't because it would attract any Rotters that could be near, so instead I stood up fast and started towards Kody, but as soon as I stood up, the drugs began to take effect. I became dizzy and weak in the legs. I took a few steps back and fell. Luckily I fell backwards onto the pile of blankets and pillows instead of forwards onto the embers of the fire. My eyesight went blurry and I passed out.

~~Authors note~~ Hey everyone. sorry it took so long to update. i was stuck on the name of the town. I will try to update every Friday. Thank you for reading and as always if you have any ideas for the story, I would love to hear them. And I'm starting a little contest for a name of another charactor in the book. The most comman name will win. Comment on what name you want it to be on any of the chapters, they all count towards it. Only one name per person. The charactor will appear in chaprer 9 or 10.~~

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