Chapter Two

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                I woke up in searing pain, as if someone had poured scalding hot water over me and then set me on fire “Gaaaahhh” I screamed into nothing. I tried moving my hands and feet, but even that sent pain throughout my body. I heard a twig snap and I shot up. Not the smartest move on my part. A sudden onrush of pain overcame me and my vision blurred the darkened as I passed out again.

                I drifted in and out of consciousness, hearing birds chirping at one point, then crickets the next.

As I awoke again, I heard a crackling sound. As if someone had poured milk into a giant bowl of rice cereal. I opened my eyes and tried to shift positions, but just the effort of trying to move sent hot searing pain though me. I looked around (without moving my head because that also hurt) to find some sort of clue to where I was. As I scanned for some sign of recollection, I realize that the source of the odd crackling noise was a small fire. As I continued searching, I saw a fence that looked as if it would barely hold up against one Rotter let alone a hoard.

                There was a brick wall to my left, and more fencing to my right. The wall seemed to have an exit/entrance, but I couldn’t tell because my vision was too fuzzy to be sure. From what I could see, there was a wooded area behind me, nothing protecting me from the Rotters. For some odd reason I felt like I had been here before, dozens of times before. “Have I been here before” I thought to myself. I began racking my brains trying to remember this place. And then it hit me like a punch to the face.

                 “No. No.NO” I screamed into the darkness. I sat up ignoring the pain and got to my feet. Darkness crept towards my vision but I pushed it away. I couldn’t pass out now. Not here. I took a step forward, but my knees gave out from weakness and fatigue, and I collapsed. I stared crawling forward by my fingernails. I had to get away from this place no matter how long it took.

                I had only gotten about three feet when the shadow of a figure appeared. I knew it was the end for me. I was going to die just the same as my father did nine years ago, and only inches from the spot too. How horribly ironic. I prepared for the worst, only to hear a voice, “Now where do you think you’re going”. I was struck with confusion. “Rotters can’t talk. Can they” I asked myself. I tried to keep moving only to be grabbed by my legs and dragged back to where I had woken up.

I clawed the dirt trying to stop, but my effort severed no purpose. I could see just enough of the figure to tell that it wasn’t a Rotter. I would have asked who he/she was, but my throat was completely dry and my lips were cracked from lack of liquid. I didn’t know how long I had gone without water. “Water” I barely got out through my dry throat and cracked lips. “Water. I need water”. 

 “What was that? Did you say something?” the figure asked. I would have said yes, but the dryness of my throat wouldn’t allow it, so I nodded. “What do you need? Blankets? Oh wait. Water duh. One sec.” the figure said as they disappeared only to reappear moments later with a small cup. The cup was brought to my lips.

 “Clean. Is it clean” I managed to get out.

The figure leaned in and said “What? Oh. Yes it’s clean. No infection in it”. I was too dazed to tell if the figure was male or female, but it was all I needed to hear. The cup was again brought to my lips, this time I did not hesitate to drink.

“More” I got out once I had finished it. Another was brought to my lips and was gone as fast as the first. After that a small piece of bread with some cheese on it was given to me. I ate it greedily. Then I realized how exhausted I was. My head fell back against a pillow, my eyes drifted into my head and I faded into the world of sleep.

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