spicy spicy sauce

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Warning ~ big kid words


"And then Jessica told Chole that Jennifer told Chad that Nacy told Gwen that Amy said that Chole's shoes didn't match her dress for that night, so then a whole cat fight happened and now Amy doesn't have her front tooth." Y/n said to her classmate and overall best friend Yui Kodai, friends since middle school. 

Yui expressed a small smile, it was nice to see y/n the same as always. She was worried her parents would have sent her to boarding school after all. "Y/n I don't think you know any Jessica's" Yui patted her friends head in order to calm her down as they were entering the classroom. 

"That's what Jessica wants you to think!" Y/n pouted as she walked into the classroom, "seems like nothing changed" She stated out as she she ran to her desk, leaving Yui to go to her own in front of y/n. Yui was listening to y/n's rambling about how to create a simple net trap only for her to cut off mid sentence "so then you'll have to tie the-ACK ACK" Yui turned around to see her friends hair being ruffled by Juzo Honenuki. 

"Nice to see that our captain is back" Juzo joked placing his hands on y/n's shoulders, "Touch it.Pay for it." Y/n glared playfully his way. Yui had always thought Juzo had a little crush on y/n but she had a theory of them just having a bother and sister relationship. 

"Ok Juzo make sure she doesn't blow up the school." Yui stated as she stood up to make her way to talk to Kendo before class would have to start. Leaving y/n with her babysitter for the day Juzo, them having a unspoken deal made. Never leave y/n alone. 

"So how was school without me Juzo, probably the worst thing ever." Y/n smirked as she looked through her school bag for something, pulling out a chocolate bar "is it real?" Juzo eyed the chocolate before looking back at y/n."Just as real as my love for you" She joked again, as Juzo took the candy and began to eat it with no problems. 

Everything was normal for class 2 b, y/n talking about mass murder, Monoma yelling about 2 a, kendo trying to calm him down, tetsutetsu talking about being a man, and overall everyone just being friendly. 

But it was time for business as the pro hero home room teacher vlad king entered the room. "Ok everyone time to get to business, sits now." Vlad stated everyone rushing around and awaiting for him to begin to talk again "Good, as you all know l/n has come back. Welcome back l/n please try to stay with us for finals." He glared into your soul. 

As he was about to sit down a loud sound could be heard around the classroom. 


Some trying to muffle their giggles and laughter. 


Some already straight out laughing. 


Some just keeping a small smile on their face.


Some just dead from laughter. 


"Nice one l/n." Vlad king rubbed his forehead with a smile, he was like the father of 2-b. Tough love, makes you train harder and harder but will make you sugar cookies later. It was usual for Vlad to care about the kids, they became like a second family for him. 

And off they went through class, just as usual. Everyone trying to keep up with the notes and y/n stealing erasers from everyone. 

And then came for lunch. 

"Y/n are you okay?" Juzo looked over to her, seeing the girl face planted into her desk a shadow facing over her. 

"They are you okay and you say you are but your not okay-" "Cut out your depression" Juzo sighed out as he heard y/n ramble on. "Don't give our captain that talk!" Setsona Tokage said walking up behind them, with Shihai Kuroiro and Kinoko Komori following. Captain was nickname you got after making a group of friends, basically forming the y/n squad. 

"So y/n how was your classes so far?" Kinoko asked, flipping her bangs up. "Who ever made up math should be sent to hell." Y/n cried out as she slammed her hands on her desk straightening her posture."what are you standing around for!?LUNCH!"y/n got up from her seat and began to run straight for the cafeteria. 

"Stupid first years, getting into a fight with me.... " Y/n grumbled as she ate her curry. "Maybe you shouldn't have gave that shock gum.." Juzo comforted y/n, "plus they hit you first.." Juzo patted her back before going back to eat his own sandwich. 

"Those children chose to mess with y/n in a physical way, she was just defending her honor." Shihai stated going back to eat his rice. As you where running to the cafeteria you ran into some new first years, so naturally you had to show your dominance by giving them one of those shock gum things. But the little shit got too salty and decided to punch your shoulder, and on went some mutual assault. 

Y/n and the kid got detention so your were rightfully pissed. "Not my fault that I'm just naturally more better!!" Y/n shouted and went back to eating her food. Everything was going calmy today just seemed to be calm and normal day. 

Sike wrong, y/n had to cause at least one person to cry out for there mommy. And beating up first years was boring. She looked for her next victim, soon noticing at that Izuku Midoriya was about to pass her table. Quickly thinking of a plan she out her plan in motion. 

As Midoriya was was able to move past her table y/n grabbed the boy's sleeve making him freak out until he saw who it was. "Izuku! Heyy wanna try some of my curry?" She looked up into the boy's big green eyes , showing off a fake genuine smile. Midoriya was freaking out inside. 'Ahahhaaha, he used my first name do do I use hers!? Wait try her food!?' The poor boy always well get frustrated for any interaction with a female. 

"Come on Izuku it's for scaring your poor soul! Just a peace offering between friends!" Y/n gave him another smile, holding out a spoon full of curry. As her friends watched shocked that she sounded so nice. "Y-yea sure!" Midoriya nodded bending down a little for y/n to feed him the curry. His was red before but now it was just pure red, "HoT hOt!" He screamed dropping his tray of food the ground. 

As Midoriya was suffering on the ground, this catched the attention of two classmates of his. "Yo!Midoriya bro are you okay?!" Kirishima walked up with Bakugou, both with there lunch trays of food. 

"Oh don't worry about him, he just don't take the heat of my amazing curry......say wanna try? Gotta prove yourselves as men." Y/n giggled out as she watched Midoriya suffer. 'I'm afraid for what her future has for her..' Juzo sweat droped as she watched his friend trap two more people into her curry game. 

Kirishima took the challenge with open arms, trying the girls curry. Soon ending it up on the floor with Midoriya. "WhAt ThE hElL iS iN tHaT!?" He choked out. 

"You all are just weaklings!" Bakugou grumbled, taking his own spoon to try this spicy curry. To see if it really was legit, after one spoon Bakugou began to sweat but not how a normal spicy curry would this just seemed a waterfall of sweat. "WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK IS IN THIS?!" Bakugou yelled he was in pain from the curry but was to badass to show he was. 

"Hot mustard and wasabi!" Y/n smirked as she wanted the two 2-a boys suffer on the ground and Bakugou trying to understand that curry was able to taste like that. 

Monoma slide by smirking himself, "oh look! The all powerful class a students over powered by a spoon of curry! Not so strong now are we!" He began to go into a fit of laughter as y/n laughed along.

Masochism is big here. 


Love ya babe <3

misfortune.bnha x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora