Final Chapter

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"Who are you?" My voice quakes and my fingers tremble. I grip my cloak tighter. My anger threatens to spill out, for me to slice her open now. But I need answers.

"I'm called Little Red Riding Hood," the girl whispers. Her voice is quiet and doesn't mirror the vivacious color of her hair. The red shines against her pale complexion.

"Do you work for the crown?" She nods, a single tear dripping down her face.

"I'm a Scarlet Warrior, Prince Isaiah's advisor." How quickly I was replaced.

"Do you know who you killed?" She nods and in that moment looks like a girl no older than ten or twelve.

"I- I killed the Big Bad Wolf. He was- he was going to- to eat us all." I realize that this little girl had done no more than kill who Isaiah told her to kill. He lied to her and she, like everyone else believed him.

"You are mistaken. You- you- you are a wicked girl who killed my love, Alpha Ferox, Alpha of the North Pack. For- for your crimes- I command death as- as Luna of the North Pack and as Ruby, the Venom Queen." My voice shakes with every word. At each step, I move closer to Little Red. I feel my anger filling me, making every step both wobbly and planted. Her face grows paler. My hand wanders to grab my dagger laced in poison. Soon I am standing above her, my dagger raised by own hand. The other holds her head back, exposing her neck. Hot tears fall down her face as she closes her eyes, excepting death.

I drag my dagger across her pale skin. It slices her flesh open and the crimson blood that lies under all skin pools to the surface and spills down her white gown.  Her body falls to the floor, lying next to Ferox's. Heart not beating by the time she hits the floor. Poison will do wonders.

Now, I just need to attend to the prince. I clutch my clock tighter, wrapping it around me. It's been stained red with the blood of Ferox and glimmers crimson in the dying sun. It's my own red hood. I close the door behind me, leaving the bodies behind, their blood mixing and flowing to the kitchen.

I look around the woods, their silence echoing in my ears and I begin to walk to the Red Kingdom.

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