Chapter 12

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(here we are folks! The final chapter of Life and Savior! Sorry it's been forever since I've updated, been laying off for a whole, lol)

Heat flooded Jim's faces as he felt himself slowly gain consciousness, his eye fluttering open as he slowly awoke from the deep slumber he was in.

His peripheral vision had been blurred, unable to observe the current surroundings around him. His hearing was ringing as well, the only noise he heard being slow beeps on his left side.

Where was he? What happened? The last thing Jim had remembered was flying around the ship on that makeshift solar surfer he made from scraps, waving down at what was left of the crew below him.

But his victory cheer had been cut off when he heard Amelia's screaming from below the ship, yelling for him to 'watch out'.

Jim had barely turned around before his entire world went white, burning hot pain searing into the left part of his body. He had blacked out before he realized what had just happened to him.

No doubt that was one of the canons blasts from Flints Trove that hit him, the shot was probably enough to kill him. Is that what happened? Did he die from the impact of the blast? Oh Jim prayed that's not what happened.

That theory had immediately been disproved when Jim's vision became clear and he could take in surroundings. From what he could see, there was a bunch of medical equipment by his side, most of which were connected to him and analyzing a bunch of stuff, he didn't know.

Jim tried to let his eyes focus on what was going on around him, but he couldn't seem to open his other eye. It was like it was glued shut tightly, and it was physically impossible to open it without hurting himself in the process. That's when it hit Jim; Scroop. That bastards gun had completely destroyed his left eye and now he couldn't see through it, just fucking great!

Well, at least it wasn't that bad. Jim could live with only one eye, he had been lucky Scroop hadn't completely blinded him. If he did, he would've really made that fucker pay.

The thought of Scroop fully blinding Jim sent a shiver up his spine though, not being able to see his surroundings and being vulnerable to Scroop. If he had managed to kill Silver and fully blind Jim, he,,,,

Jim couldn't suppress his fear-filled flinch, the boy shaking his head at the thought of that. He shouldn't think about that. Scroop was dead now, Jim wouldn't have to deal with that bastard anymore. But if it had been like others have experienced, it wouldn't be this easy to get over and would takes heavy amounts of therapy to recover from. At least his violator was dead, that's a good start to it.

Sighing, Jim reaching his hand up to run it through his brown locks. Except, he didn't feel his hand when he lifted it up. He just felt nothing there. Shakily, but not looking at his hand, Jim tried to move his hand around only to feel nothing.

He didn't want to see what was there, but he had no choice. Hesitantly, Jim slowly turned his head towards his arm to inspect it. Shockingly, he greeted by no hand there, only a nub wrapped in gauze where his arm would be. It reached up to his elbow, and that was all, nothing else was there.

Jim felt panic rise inside his gut as his breathing started to escalate, his pupils shrinking as he inspected the nub where his arm should've been. Shit,,, the blast must've amputated his arm when he got hit by it, he couldn't believe he lost his fucking arm.

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