Chapter 3

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(Jesus fuck me christ it's been forever since I've updated this.)

Days later after the incident with the crew, Amelia had informed Jim he could go back to his cabin boy duties again. Jim wasn't excited and was rather annoyed he had to go back this early, but his wounds were healed enough so he had no choice.

Of course, the crew still didn't go unpunished, even after Jim healed. He had heard that his chores will be halved due to the crew having to due the other half, which Jim felt happy about.

Mostly Jim's chores for that day were mopping the deck and helping Silver our in the galley, two of the chores Jim didn't mind doing. He enjoyed mopping the deck and feeling the nice breeze, and helping out Silver? Did he really need to explain that?

Jim felt happy that he was feeling better, and found it hilarious the others were a bit more protective of him after the incident. But in the back of Jim's head, dark things were still lingering inside.

That nightmare with Scroop never left Jim's head, it just stayed there and tormented him while Jim suffered for the time being.

After that nightmare, even the sight of Scroop made Jim want to vomit; it really did. That disturbing glare Scroop gave him when he passed by, it just sent off red flags in Jim's head.

Alas, he tried to get it out of his head, and started to focus on his chores for the day.

Throwing the dirty water off the deck and into space, and putting the mop and bucket to the side; Jim was finally done with his chores. He was proud that he managed to finish mopping in a short time, meaning he could spend time with Silver more.

Stretching his back and sighing softly, Jim turned to head to the galley. Before Jim could even enter the galley, he felt a claw grip his shoulder tightly.

'Oh no.'

After a few seconds of silence, Jim finally turned to see who grabbed him; Scroop.

"Well, well, well,,,,," the spider like alien hissed at Jim, a devilish smirk growing on his face as he gripped Jim's shoulder tighter. "You got usss in a whole lot of trouble, Cabin boy,,,"

Both of Jim's fists were clenched tightly, shaking as he nodded. "Yeah, well, it was your guy's fault; not mine." He told Scroop, trying to regain his confidence.

Scroop's smirk turned into an angered frown as he dug his claw into Jim's shoulder lightly, seeing the boy wince in pain. "Don't get ssassssy with me, Cabin boy."

Jim managed to glare at Scroop angrily, attempting to intimidate him. But looking up at the alien made him freeze in fear, clutching his jacket tightly.

Suddenly, Scroop smirked as he now knew why Jim was being nervous; and knew exactly what to do. Gripping Jim's shoulder, he turned the boy around to face him. "Sssstill thinking about that little encounter we had lassst night?" He suddenly asked Jim.

That sentence made Jim's heart drop, his eyes widening as he immediately realized what Scroop had meant. That nightmare,,,, that was actually Scroop, it wasn't a nightmare, it was real.

Jim then grew the courage to speak up, his fear filled eyes looking up at Scroop. "H— how,,,,?"

The tip of Scroop's claw lifted Jim's chin, making the boy look at him directly. "I don't reveal my sssecretss to anyone, boy." He told Jim, chuckling lowly. "But I will sssay it rather eassy."

Jim had them yanked himself away from the claw slowly backing up, his blue eyes full of fear as he kept them on Scroop. "S— So it was real,,, the entire thing was real." He mumbled, gripping his jacket tightly.

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