Chapter 7

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(As it's the first day of summer (at least for me) I thought I'd treat you guys to a longer chapter! Enjoy!)

Things had gotten way better for Scroop for the past few weeks, and he was getting closer and closer to unleashing his true plan. Recently, the star Permusa has gone supernova, and Scroop used this as a chance to kill Mr. Arrow and frame Jim for his death, finally putting that brat back in his place.

The boy had gotten so confident and happy lately, and Scroop knew why, Silver was warming up to him and going soft. It disgusted Scroop beyond imagination, but, he was satisfied as well now knowing he had a way to break Silver.

Scroop also knew Jim was still deathly afraid of him, flinching every time the Insectoid got a bit too close. He would always give Jim a knowing look with a smirk on his face, but Scroop obviously couldn't go farther than that. Who knows what Silver would do to him if he attempted to get close to Jim.

The worst Scroop could do was glare a Jim, and be on his way. But it satisfied him enough, liking the fact that the Cabin boy still feared him.

He noticed just a while ago that Jim and Silver went out for a longboat ride, possibly to make out once they're alone or something like that. But now was the perfect time for Scroop to discuss his ultimate plan with the crew.

Stepping down into the galley, Scroop smirked as he looked around the crew. "Well,,,, ssseems were all here." He said, stepping forward.

Turnbuckle rose a brow suspiciously, resting his head on two tentacles. "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Scroop? Only the Captain calls in these meetings." He questioned, narrowing his eyes at Scroop.

The Insectoid smirked, shaking his head. "He won't be Captain for long,,," he told the crew, watching as they looked at one another with confusion. "You dumbassss lot don't get it? The Captain has gone sssoft for the Cabin boy!" He snarled, his eyes narrowing.

Onus was the first to speak up, narrowing his eyes at Scroop. "Yeah, we get it, Scroop! But that still leaves us confused! Ye sayin' we turn on Silver? The fuck are ye thinkin'???" He snapped back, crossing his arms.

Scroop rose a brow slightly, stepping around the galley. "Well,,,, let's consider this. Who would you prefer to be your leader? A man who went soft for some little whore?" He started, looking around the crew to see them give each other a few glances. Scroop then pointed a claw at himself. "Or someone who doesn't want to throw away the whole mutiny?"

It was silence in the galley for a few moments, the other crew members whispering to each other and giving the others glances. Then they all looked up at Scroop, smirks on their faces.

Scroop already knew the answer before they even spoke, nodding. "Good descisssion." He chuckled lowly.

"Yeah, so what's the plan, Captain Scroop?"

A few days had passed since Scroop and the crew made plans to betray Silver, they just had to lay low about the plan and make sure no one knew.

As the sun shines brightly throughout Silvers Cabin, Jim decided now was a good time to wake up. He slowly slipped out of bed, yawning and fixating his shirt. Jim went and slipped one of his boots on, then reaching to grab the other one, only for it to bounce away and hide.

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