Chapter 5

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(W o w only four chapters in and Jim confessed already? Damn that's determination.)

(Also, a viewer gave me the idea for the story of how the relationship between Jim and the Crew is going, and if they might get revenge on Jim. It won't happen in this chapter since it's going to be focusing on Jim's confession and whatnot, but it'll definitely happen in a future chapter!)


"John Silver,,, I'm in love with you."

Those words hit Silver like a brick, so hard he questioned if that's what Jim even said. It was hard to take in too, Jim loved him? No, that couldn't be true. Jim is only a wee pup! He couldn't like the big chef that was Silver.

Jim was uneasy and confused as well, did he really just confess his love to Silver? Now of all times?? He wanted to read Silvers expression and tell what he was thinking, but he couldn't, Silvers face was just full of confusion and somewhat guilt.

"S— Silver?" The Cabin boy had finally spoken up, snapping Silver out of his trance by gripping his shirt gently. "Did you hear me? I said—"

"T'at ye loved me, lad, I know, I heard." Silver finished for him, frowning and shaking his head. "But ye can't."

Jim flinched, now even more confused. Oh god, was Silver not accepting his confession??? Was he disgusted by Jim?? Did he do something wrong?????

Suddenly, Silver places both his mechanical and organic hand on Jim's shoulders. "Don't worry, lad, it t'was nothin' ye did." The Cook reassured Jim, lifting his hand to cup Silvers cheek. "It's just,,,, these feelin's aren't real, ye can't be in love with an old man like me."

Those words broke Jim, Silver was telling him his feelings weren't real? What the hell did that mean????

"W— what,,,?"

Sighing, Silver pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down at Jim. "Jimbo, yer a growin' teen, it's normal for ye t' just go out and fall in with the first person ye see. Ye just need t' realize that ye'll get over it soon."

Jim couldn't believe this, he could not believe this. Silver can't be telling him this. He would've accepted anything, even Silver rejecting him, anything but this.

Hesitantly, Jim spoke up. "B— but these feelings are real. I— I know it,,,," He told Silver, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill.

"No, ye don't. You're a growing lad, Jimbo, and I can't let ya live a lie thinkin' ye are in love with an old 'borg like me." Silver shook his head, looking down at the Cabin boy as he tried to hide the guilt in his eyes. He didn't want to do this to Jim, he really didn't, but he's so young and naive, and as much as he wanted to confess his feels towards Jim too, he couldn't.

The cook decided to comfort Jim, rubbing his back gently and slowly. "It's okay, lad,,,, just give it some time and—"

Jim suddenly pushed Silver away, tears now spilling out of his eyes and hitting the sheets. "No! I won't 'give it some time'! I truly love you Silver! I've known that!" He shook his head.

Jim's sudden outburst made Silver flinch, this was only making him feel more guilty and sad at the fact he had to do this.

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