Chapter 6

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(Something stumps me in this story, and that's Scroop. I haven't come up with an explanation for HOW Scroop invaded Jim's dreams. I'm tempted to make it a thing his species can do, but that really doesn't make sense to me. What should I do?)

Jim and Silver were a couple now, ever since that night a few days ago the two never left each other alone. Of course, they had to keep this secret and didn't show romantic affection towards each other in public. Who knows what would've happened if Amelia and Delbert found out, and the crew,,,, well, that was self explanatory.

The two would occasionally hold hands when their alone and kiss, but they didn't dare go farther than that. Jim was still in shock from what Scroop did, and wasn't comfortable go farther yet, and Silver respected that.

Silver was obviously still furious at Scroop, and desperately wanted to teach him a lesson; but held himself back as to not wanting to get himself into trouble. But the situation couldn't be left alone, Silver needed to tell Scroop off and make sure he never got near his Jimbo ever again.

And now was the perfect opportunity, Amelia had sent the two downstairs into the hanger for maintenance. She could've sent Jim and Silver, but the Cabin Boy was busy with his other chores to be able to do so.

So now it was Silver and Scroop in hanger, they had been making sure the longboats were fully functional or were in need of any repairs. It was just the two of them down there, alone, and and away from any prying eyes.

Now was the perfect time to put that bug brained twit in his place.

Silver was the first to speak, a hint of anger and hatred in his voice. "How the Cabin boys chores doin'?" He teased, confidence rising in his voice.

Scroop rolled his yellows eyes, turning to the Ursid. "Horrible, Captain. What the hell did you expect?" He snapped back, snarling slightly. "It's a pain in our asses that we have our normals jobssss t' do with the Cabin Boys chores on top of it."

John turned to the Insectoid, narrowing his eyes. "Well, next time don't beat the every livin' fuck outta someone, ever thought about that? It's yer lots fault that ye got that punishment." He told Scroop, crossing his arms.

Scroop hissed at Silver, stretching out one of his claws and examining it. He was looking at the same claw that penetrated Jim's palm and made it bleed horribly. "Well maybe the Cabin Boy should ssshut 'is trap for once, it was comin' at him."

'This fucker was blaming Jim?' Echoed in Silvers mind, rage building inside of him. "Oh shut the hell up, w'eter the boy was being sassy or not it's yer fuckers fault." He snapped back at Scroop, examining the longboats control pad.

Scroop decided he wasn't going to win this argument, and had went back to working on the other longboat.

The room remained silent for a moment, before Silver decided to break it once again.

"But the way,,,, the kid had a rather,,,,, strange dream." Silver started, pulling his mechanical hand away from the control panel. "And it got me thinkin',,,,,"

Scroop turned to Silver, a brow raised in suspicion, he knew where this was going. "What are you on about, John?" He hissed, narrowing his eyes at Silver.

Silver suddenly stood up, turning to Scroop slowly. His mechanical eye was red and full of rage. "Don't play fuckin' dumb wit' me, Mr. Scroop. The boy told me everythin' ya fuckin' did." He growled lowly, walking towards the Insectoid.

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