Chapter 8

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It had been almost half an hour since Jim and Silver left the Captain and Doctor, and it gave the Cyborg time to to think and reminisce. He was certain Jim hated him now, it was so obvious, and even if Silver explained everything to him, Jim wouldn't care. It hurt Silver that things were this way now, he ruined his relationship with Jim Hawkins; the love of his fucking life!

Silvers train of thought had crashed when Jim suddenly tugged on his jacket sleeve, pointing down to a opening. "Let's see if anything's down there." He told Silver, sliding down a skeletal-looking spine. The Cyborg followed Jim soon after, looking around the area with him.

"Seems t' be no signs of life 'ere,,,," Silver mumbled, scanning the area with his cybernetic eye. He felt,,, like they were being watched though, like someone was following them.

The Cyborg grabbed Jim and held him close, looking around the area. "Stay close, lad." He told Jim, keeping his arm wrapped tight around him.

Jim sighed softly, trying to wiggle out of Silvers grip. "You're not the only one with a gun, Silver." The boy replied, looking away from Silver and looking around the area.

Silvers heart almost dropped, great, now he was just looking like a clingy asshole now. With a long and heavy sigh, he turned to Jim. "Jimbo, I—" He was cut off immediately when he heard rustling in the plants behind them.

The two both turned to where the noise came from, both charging up their guns and slowly inching towards the oddly-shaped plants.

Pointing his gun at the plants, Silver looked over the plants and looked down, seeing nothing in them. He took a step back when suddenly, a robot came in front of them and screamed in surprise.

Obviously Jim and Silver screamed in response after they were startled by the robot, aiming their guns at him only to realize he wasn't armed.

The robot let out a sigh of relief, smiling widely at the two. "Oh this is fantastic! Two carbon based lifeforms come to rescue me at last!" He shouted happily, immediately wrapping his arms around the two. "I just wanna hug ya and squeeze ya! And hold ya close to me!"

Silver flinched as he pushed the clingy robot off him and Jim, pointing his hand cannon at him. "Okay okay! T'ats enough!" He snapped, charging up his gun. 'At least I'm not as clingy as this guy.'

A small gasp escaped the robots lips as he took a step back, giving them a nervous smile. "Sorry, sorry. I've— I've been marooned, for so long." He told the two, wrapping an arm around the two's shoulder. "Don't get my wrong, solitudes fun! But heavens sake after a hundred years,,, YA GO A LITTLE NUTS!!!" The robot shouted, smiling widely.

Jim and Silver flinched at the robots craziness and erratic behavior, both glancing at each other in confusion and obviously uncomfortable with the robot touching them.

The robot seemed to notice the two acting uncomfortable and stepped back, chuckling nervously. "I'm sorry, I—,,,, I am— uhm,,," he started, the rubbing his head. "My name is— uh,,,"

Silver glanced down at Jim in confusion, whispering to him. "I think this guy has a few screws loose, literally." He told Jim, hearing the both stifle a laugh. 'Glad I can still make ye laugh,,,,'

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