35. Stakeout

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Crabbe and Goyle reacted to my plan with shock. They of course asked plenty of questions regarding why I wanted to watch Blaises house, but they gave up when they realized I wasn't going to give them an answer. They were very hesitant, but Theo had my back by telling them that there'll be benefits if they helped me out. There of course wasn't going to be any benefits, but Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't know about that. We eventually got them on board and they agreed to come with me.

A couple of minutes later, due to apparition, I found myself standing in an unknown location directly across the road from a house. I examine my surroundings and It wasn't what I imagined. We were literally standing in the middle of nowhere. The area was surrounded by fields, it looked like farm land, and there wasn't a single house in sight apart from Blaises. Not to mention it was very dark, there was no source of light anywhere apart from the moon. The area we were stood in, across from the house, was very muddy. Clearly nobody had maintained this land for a long time.

"Bloody hell. This really is in the middle of nowhere." I commented as I put my wand in my pocket.

"Yeah, he rents the house from his uncle." Goyle says. 

"Do you reckon he'd be home tonight?"  I asked. I brought my attention to the house, there didn't appear to me any lights on through the windows. It was a bungalow style house that would have looked quite nice if Blaise looked after his garden, there was overgrown grass surrounding it in all angles.

"Think so. He only works weekends." Crabbe answers.

"I see." I mutter. Maybe he is in bed which is why all the lights are all out? "Does he have any animals?"

"Umm…. Sometimes you see lots of crows and stuff hanging out in the trees. Think I seen a raccoon round here before." Crabbe says, quite proudly for some reason. "There was a rat problem a couple weeks ago as well."

"There's definitely a fox too. He feeds it sometimes." Goyle chimes in. "I think he calls him Larry."

"I mean fucking pets, you fools! Like a yapping dog, something that will make Blaise aware of our presence." I spoke through gritted teeth. I already felt very annoyed. "If I wanted to know about the bird and rodent population, I would have asked."

"Well you weren't exactly clear, mate." Crabbe replies cluelessly. "But no, he doesn't have a dog."

"Christ. Just forget it." I began to lower my voice to a whisper now. "Remember what I said. Follow my lead. Don't fuck up. Answer any questions I have, and whisper. Clear?"

They both nod and for once they actually appear to understand what I'm saying.

For now anyway.

I take the lead and I start to walk towards the house, as I got closer I began to lower my body so that I'm almost crawling. It was best to keep low. I gesture to Crabbe and Goyle to mimic my movements. Blaises property was fenced off by a very old looking fence that looked as though it could do with  a paint job. He had a small gate, which was luckily already open. We couldn't afford to make the smallest of sounds. We make our way past the gate was ease, we were now crouched down on Blaises property and I felt a sense of dread over the prospect that anything could go wrong at anytime. I pushed those thoughts  aside for now, I would deal with it if it came down to it.

I eyed Blaises front door, which had a small rectangular shaped clear window on it. I moved curiously towards it, watching every step I took.

"This Is great." I heard Goyle whisper. "I feel like I'm in an action movie."

"Shush." I hiss.

Once I reached the door, I slowly began to stand up until my face was in front of the window. It was very dark so I couldn't see much, but I saw enough to make out quite a cluttered looking hallway and a few doors that were wide open. My gaze focused on the door that was at the end of the short hall, it was wide open. It took a few seconds but I could make out an object in the shape of a bed...and a leg hanging out beyond the blankets.

A Fiery Love ~ Dramione (Sequel to Stay By My Side)Where stories live. Discover now