23. Tension Running High

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Ron didn't hesitate in pulling his wand out of his pocket and I immediately followed suit. I kept my wand at the side of my boot, considering I had no pockets and I didn't bring a jacket outside with me, and the second I had it in my hand I pointed it directly to the area in question. Ron and I gave each other a knowing look as we took a few steps backwards to prepare ourselves for--

"Blimey Angelina! What happened?" A surprised male suddenly spoke. The hand which I held my wand in fell to the side.

"Couldn't balance myself in that position anymore, my leg got sore." Angelina hissed in response. "Do you think they heard us?"

"I'm not sure... I'll look now." he said back. Suddenly I could see George Weasley's red hair and long neck pop up from behind the bush. His head darted from side to side before he looked straight ahead, to Ron and I. His eyes widened and then he smiled awkwardly. "Hmm.... They might have heard us.... Actually they are staring right at me now. My brother doesn't look very happy... he is furiously pointing his wand in our direction..."

"What?" Angelina whisper-yelled. "How we gonna talk our way outta this?"

"I don't know.... Guess we'll have to find out."

"Get out of there! Show yourselves!" Ron snapped in bewilderment. George and Angelina emerged from their hiding spot and both had different reactions. Angelina somewhat hung her head in shame whilst George was grinning like I have never seen before. Ron wasted no time in confronting them. "How long have you both been spying?"

"We weren't spying, honestly." Angelina blushed, avoiding meeting mine and Ron's gaze.

"We were just here.... Talking.... And you two came by....and it was too awkward to leave." George said smirking a little.

"Talking behind a bush?" Ron questioned, his knuckles appeared to turn white as he clutched onto his wand. I didn't think he realized he was still holding it.

Angelina looked very embarrassed and George's grin grew wider. I could only guess what they were up to. "Yeah Ronnie, talking behind a bush. All married couples do that." He waved Ron off. "And will you please put that wand down now?"

"Bloody hell," Ron groaned, his arm falling to his side. He sounded seriously pissed off. "Please tell me you two didn't listen to all of mine and Hermione's conversation?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny," George grins wildly as he puts his arm around a scarlet Angelina. "Hermione did you send blondie flying across the room with that punch?"

I didn't mean to do it (especially with Ron next to me) but I laughed. My reaction caused George to laugh too and I could tell that Angelina was holding hers back. Ron was far from impressed. I could practically feel the angry vibes he was sending off. I began to wonder whether it was healthy for a person's well-being to be angry so much.

"Unbelievable. There's absolutely no privacy in this family, not even outside." Ron mutters as he shoves his wands into his pocket and gives George a sour look.

"We're really sorry." Angelina said looking to me and Ron.

"Its fine Angelina, don't worry about it." I assured her. Sure, I definitely felt embarrassed that George and Angelina were unknowingly present throughout my whole talk with Ron but at least I knew they weren't the type of people to spread it to the whole world. I wasn't worried.

"Well....this is awkward." George says after an uncomfortable silence hung in the air. "I hope we can forget about what happened here tonight. Let's just not talk about it, yes?"

I was about to agree with George until Ron spoke up. He walked forward towards George as he done so. "You expect me to just forget about you eavesdropping on a private conversation? You could have at least done the decent thing and made your presence known to avoid moments like this. But no, my brother thrives on drama. Bet you enjoyed listening in and making Hermione and I feel awkward. Who do you think you are!?"

A Fiery Love ~ Dramione (Sequel to Stay By My Side)Where stories live. Discover now