-snippet of next chapter-

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Not an update.

Please read my previous authors note before continuing this. If you guys go ahead and read this, I assume you are now aware of the reason for my absense.

I wanted to share with you guys some little snippets of whats to come in the next chapter to get you all excited again. So here goes....


That's what you get… for fucking with a Weasley…." Ron drunkenly slurs.

I saw red.

I couldn't think straight. I was very shook up from the general shock of what literally happened moments prior, and Draco uncovering the secret I so desperately tried to protect him from. I no longer cared about the impact of my actions I was going to undertake next.

I flung myself towards Ron and I kicked him between the legs.

Very fucking hard.

Ron screamed bloody murder as he collapsed to the floor, grabbing his crotch in agony. Red faced and watering eyes, he looked up at me as if he wanted to ask why I did that but words failed him. He looked down to the floor and heaved as though he needed to vomit.

Annnd heres another one below...

Draco kept his back to me, refusing to look at me. His hands, pressed so hard onto the edge of the table that his they turned white. His breathing was loud and uneven.

"Please…" I spoke lighter than a whisper, I wasn't sure if he heard me because he showed no reaction. Or maybe he really didn't want to look at or speak to me. I couldn't blame him, this was all my fault. I had hurt him badly and I wasn't sure if there was a way back. The tears escaped uncontrollably from my eyes now.

"Just please tell me… are you staying?"

Draco didn't answer. His hands, previously gripped on the table, loosened. Although I couldn't see his face, he seemed relaxed now. I hoped for the best.

He turned around… flashing his famous cocky smirk. He still said nothing. But something about his smirk didn't seem mischievous or humorous like it usually does when Draco is being flirty or playful with me… it was something different. Something evil.



Okay I hope you all enjoyed these lil teasers....promise y all update will be here soon!


A Fiery Love ~ Dramione (Sequel to Stay By My Side)Where stories live. Discover now