9. Wild Night

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This has probably been my  favorite chapter so far to write! :D

Enjoy! :)

I couldn't believe the scene that was set out in front of me. I honestly don't think I would be surprised if we came back to Harry and Draco trying to claw each other's eyes after a silly argument out but this was something different.

Both men had a totally serious look spread across their flushed faces as they clumsily threw weak punches in each other's direction. I had no reason to worry about either of them getting hurt because every time they struck, they missed like failing to hit a piñata. A few kicks were added into this very cringe worthy game too, Harry staggered backwards after aiming for Draco's waist but lost balance and fell into the couch. Draco roared with laughter but stopped when he entered into a fit of hiccups. Harry rolled his shirt sleeves up past his elbows exposing his farmers tan as he brought himself to his feet and Draco wore a tight fitted grey top which was drenched in sweat across the front of his chest. By the looks of it they were both at this for a very long time, but why? But more importantly, why were the two so drunk?

"Come on P-Potter. I'm waiting for a solid punch." Draco slurred loudly whilst flexing his arms in front of a very annoyed looking Harry. "Show me those skills past your magical wand."

Ginny snorted. I remained dumbfounded.

"Shut up ferret," Harry wiped his hand across his beady forehead and fixed his Mexican Sombrero into place. "You aven't done much either.... All...talk Malfoy...ha-ha."

Draco's hat fell in front of his eyes as he stepped forward but he didn't seem to care. "If I wasn't so out of it right now...you would be running outta here with your tail between your legs by now."

It was hilarious how caught up these two were, they didn't even notice Ginny and I standing in the doorway yet.

"Oh yeah? Well bring it!" Harry challenged while clenching both of his fists at chest level. A devilish smile played Draco's lips while he cracked his knuckles, but judging by his groggy eyes, he looked ready to fall into a deep slumber at any given moment. As the men were prepared to launch into another one of their pretty pointless battles Harry winced and stopped in his tracks. All of a sudden he threw his head backwards and let out a very strong and loud sneeze, resulting in spits and god knows what else spraying into Draco's face.

Draco stayed dead still for a moment and Harry looked like he wanted to crawl up into a hole and die. Draco pressed his lips into a hard and shared an intense stare down with Harry before he launched himself forward. "You dirty disease ridden rat! You did that on purpose!"

"I swear I didn't Malfoy!" Harry yells as they both fall onto the floor wrestling one another. "I.... just s-sick."

"You gave me germs. Merlin knows what I'll need to get tested for now" Draco slurs as he trapped Harrys body between the floor and his leg by holding his leg over Harry stomach and pressing him down. Harry starts to pull Draco's hair. "Hey stop that! Your out of line...leave my hair alone."

"Enough!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while Ginny shouted "Stop it the two of you!"

Draco and Harry paused in their tracks and stayed as still as statues for a few moments before they both turn their heads in the direction of Ginny and I. Draco's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of me and looked as though he was thinking about how long we were standing here. Harry removed his hand away from Draco's now messed up hair and pushed his leg away and stumbled towards his wife.

"Ginny...sweetheart I s-swear it's not how it looks." Harry falls to his knees in front of Ginny, not because it was supposed to be a romantic gesture, but because he was so drunk his legs could no longer hold him up. Ginny looked far from impressed as she crossed her arms over her chest but Harry seized one of her hands to kiss it. "We weren't fighting... we were just... Malfoy what were we doing?"

A Fiery Love ~ Dramione (Sequel to Stay By My Side)Where stories live. Discover now