10. Surprise

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Sorry for the wait, it's been a busy week. 

BTW I just realized that Stay By My Side officially has 200K reads now!! This makes me feel soooooo happy and flattered. I really didn't expect for it to get that many reads :o If you are reading this, I presume you've already finished Stay By My Side so I just wanna say thank you for reading, voting, commenting etc not only on Stay By My Side but on this book as well. I hope this book achieves just as much success as the other one, that would be awesome! I will do my very best to deliver a great story. So please do continue to read/vote/comment for A Fiery Love, it would be a massive confidence boost for me if this story gained more of that because I would LOVE to write more stuff in the future.

Anyways, rant over for now. Enjoy the chapter!! 



My alarm clock tore me away from my sleep and I groaned as I reached across to my bedside table and switched it off. I had to be at St Mungo's in one hour and I certainly didn't feel one bit refreshed. As I began to lie back into my comfortable bed I turn to my side to face Draco while I stifled a long yawn. The alarm didn't wake Draco, he was a deep sleeper naturally but an even better sleeper when he was drinking. Last night I didn't sleep much, at all. I was too hooked on taking care of Draco and making sure that he was comforted during his break down that I forgot about my own needs. After he told me he was sad in his drunken state I held him in my arms until sleep took over and I stayed awake for a very long time after that, mostly out of worry and sadness on my part. Images of Blaise Zabini's face flashed through my mind for most of the night too which made my blood boil, despite my best efforts to erase him from my memory. I have a feeling I am not going to forget about my encounter with him any time soon.

I slowly reached my hand out and brushed some of Draco's messy hair away from over his eyes and I smiled as he began to snore louder. Guilt washed over me as I began to think about how Draco would have reacted if I told him about Blaise last night, or if I told him at all. Considering that Draco was my fiancée now, I knew that the most logical thing would to be honest with him. That part of me was screaming at me to tell him, but another part of me was determined to protect Draco at all costs. Draco was dealing with enough things right now with his Father; he didn't need someone like Blaise to send him into even further despair. I knew that if Draco found out, he would turn to reckless behaviour. And I would never forgive myself for that.

The beautiful, yet troubled man that lay next to me broke my heart. I wanted to fight his demons for him so badly that it almost killed me; I need nothing else right now other than for him to be okay. I wanted to do more than to be there to comfort him and tell him that things are going to be fine, but he wouldn't let me if I tried. Typical Draco Malfoy. This part of him frustrated me, but it didn't mean I didn't love him any less.

Footsteps from the hallway and Ginny's quiet whispers distracted me away from my thoughts. I narrow my eyebrows in confusion until I remember that I gave Harry and Ginny permission to stay last night because of Harry's inability to walk in a straight line after much alcohol consumption. Regretfully, I got out of bed and pulled the blankets up to Draco's neck as he turned on his opposite side and continued to snore. Something told me he was going to sleep the day away. I better leave him some water and painkillers for when he wakes up.

It took me exactly five minutes to change into my work attire and use my wand to make my hair appear presentable. I gave Draco one last longing glance before I quietly shut the bedroom door and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. My appearance was horrid, to put it lightly. My lack of sleep last night was definitely evident from the dark circles under my eyes and a general washed out complexion. I tutted at myself in the mirror as I splashed cold water over my face and scrubbed away excess eye makeup which I failed to remove last night. I immediately felt more refreshed after that, so I put some concealer under my eyes before I joined Harry and Ginny in the kitchen.

A Fiery Love ~ Dramione (Sequel to Stay By My Side)Where stories live. Discover now