"No" I repeated softly. "Why? Maverick I haven't seen you in ages and I know you're dealing with this in your own way but I'm hurting likewise and you pushing me away isn't helping its hurting"

My voice trembled as my waters overflowed. This was my feeling time. The time when I couldn't act as if nothing bothered me. I had to let everything out. My cup overflowed because I tried to be patient and understanding but I couldn't do it anymore.

"You can't come over Kendall, I moved"

"You already said that"

He took in another deep breath and cleared his throat. "I moved away. I'm sorry I'm actually on my way back now. I asked to be transferred. I just can't say here anymore"

My body shook as I tried to process his words. He left? He just packed up and left, without me? What about us, what about me? isn't there a us anymore?

"I don't understand" I said my voice cracking just a little more as more emotions flowed through my already broken heart. "you didn't even include me in this honey, I feel like you're blaming me because she died and I don't think that's fair. We talked about this we'll move when were ready and then you just leave....what about us maverick!"

I was heaving no longer able to keep my feelings in check as my head imploded and where part of me felt the pang of pain. I wasn't just upset with his selfish actions; I was also in denial and deep regret that I allowed him to hurt me like this. I didn't deserve this!

"There isn't a "us" anymore. Please understand Kenzy I just..."

His voice broke off as if he was somehow, in someway inconceivable he was finding it hard right now to admit to his selfish actions. Where was the maverick I knew? The man that was so caring and kind that would never in a hundred years do something like this. This wasn't him. Maybe it was the shell that the loss of Jesse had left but it wasn't the man I loved for all of three years.

"I just can't have everything that reminds me of her around me anymore"

"Oh my gosh" I said sobbing clasping my mouth. "You're selfish maverick. You aren't the only one hurting!"

"I still love you"

"Don't talk about love! You don't get to use the same mouth that said you can't stand to be around me anymore to say you love me!" I could hardly breathe adequately as his words kept punching into my stomach hitting every breath of air from my lungs. "this is good bye then?"


"You don't get to think of me after this"

"I know"

I sobbed.

"And I don't want to see you ever"


This time in the three years of our relationship I was the one who hung up.


I wiped my swollen eyes as I heard a knock from my door and walked slowly to open it. I cried for the last two hours after ending my call with maverick. I hadn't eaten, I already couldn't sleep and the pounding headache in my temple didn't add an ounce to my already stressed state. When I opened the door and found my publisher standing outside in his white suit I felt like slamming the door shut.

"You look dreadful" he said steeping to the side of me and making his way into my apartment as he usually did. "and apparently the room is exactly the same" he gave it a one over and looked back to me. "When last did you actually clean up? Last year?"

"I'm grieving I get to do whatever I want"

"The kid wasn't yours and you're being overly dramatic. You should get this place and yourself cleaned before vultures come and take you both over" he said it with so much disdain in his voice I knew the look on his face without having to look at him. "so lets hear it, how far have we gotten with our masterpiece?"

He fluffed a pillow and took his seat in an empty chair across from me, while I curled up in the sofa before him in just my pajamas. I hadn't taken a bath and glancing around I needed to clean this place as he said. But I couldn't right now with everything that I've heard and seen, I just couldn't right now.

I shook my head. "sorry I haven't had the time"

His brows knitted and his fingers tangled into each other giving me the lecture stance.

"Time is relative. We don't have time we make time. I've tried to drill that into you this past two years and yet my work still goes to naught. Quit that stupid coffee shop work of yours and do this full time"

"I already told you I'm doing it to become more social and it's the only way to finally get my mother off my back about finding a real job"

"You're doing this for your mother or yourself Kendall? because while you might not see it I do. This world is not going to wait until you "find" the time to produce a new book. We're already behind schedule and we need this one out ASAP"

"For crying out loud peter I'm grieving! Don't I get to moan? And I just got dumped on top of that so I doubt things could actually get any worse"

He looked at me under his eyes pushing back his glasses up his nose. "use the pain to fuel your writing. I'm giving you four more weeks to hand in your script"

I sighed knowing I was never going to win this fight. "four weeks from now or four weeks starting today?"

He got up and straightened his stiff suit, his broad shoulders squaring in the jacket as his long legs carried him to the door.

"What do you think?" he asked looking back over at me.

"Four weeks from now?" I tried to paste a fake smile over my lips to help plead my cause.

"Fine" he said conceding. "But it better be a great script and not a day after"

Author's notes: okay guys😉 I was heart broken writing this part(sucker for emotional drama)
so that was a definite twist in probabilities. So much for love. Do you think she made the right decision of letting him or or you think the jerk deserves a wack on the head?

Please let me know if you liked the video that's at the top. I've know this song for a very long time and felt it appropriate.

Thank for your continued support of votes and comments. hope you enjoyed the reading.

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