The Bridge to Freedom

Start from the beginning

"Who is this?" Nemesis wondered. She smiled as she saw the newcomer having crossed arms as he stared at Dialga while flying behind him.

"It's about time your revealed yourself, Hoopa." Dialga stated. He turned to face the pink-haired male who was just giving a constant smile. "Your childish games were getting on my nerves."

"You need to brighten up a bit, how about joining our side with the boss and we can have some fun destroying?" Hoopa asked.

"Do you really expect me to accept such a request? Like hell i'm going to join sides with a guy like him!" Dialga snarled.

"Then that makes us enemies, now let's see how strong you are after your slumber!" Hoopa shouted. Dialga's eyes glowed as they both charged at each other.

Nemesis watched in shock as the two exchange punches left and right at blinding speeds that were creating small shockwaves through the city.

"Perhaps now would be good time move." Nemesis said to herself as she disappeared from her spot on the roof.

Dialga appeared behind Hoopa before smashing him own with both fists, Hoopa quickly recovered before giving a swift kick that sent Dialga flying back

"Listen to me, Hoopa! You need to break free from his control!" Dialga shouted. Hoopa just smirked before his eyes glowed pink.

That was when Dialga noticed a bunch of trees flying towards him, he just smashed through them all before appearing in front of Hoopa.

"You can't beat me!" Dialga stated. He then delivered countless punches and kicks to Hoopa as he couldn't defend against it. "You are limited to your current state!"

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean I can't win!" Hoopa grinned. Dialga then felt his back get kicked as he was sent flying towards the ground.

Dialga flipped in the air before landing on the ground and skidding across a street, the ground cracking as he skidded across it.

Dialga looked up to see Hoopa already heading towards him with his fist held forward, so he held his arms up in a cross as the fist made impact.

This resulted in both of them sliding across the ground while cracking it in the process, Dialga planted his foot and stabilised before sending a swift punch to the right side of Hoopa.

This sent Hoopa flying into a wall as Dialga stopped himself from sliding and brought both arms upwards before he exploded with power.

Hoopa came out of the rubble before exploding with power himself, his aura was pink as Dialga's was obviously blue.

"Haa!" They both shouted as they charged. When they met up, their fists collided, sending a huge shockwave that shattered windows and formed cracks on the ground.

The civilians around them were running as they escaped the area the battle between them was happening.

Dialga grabbed Hoopa's arm before tossing him over his shoulder and delivering a bicycle kick that sent Hoopa into the ground.

Dialga quickly jumped back while doing a few flips, he landed gracefully before looking up and seeing Hoopa stumble as he stood up.

"Oh, you are so going to pay!" Hoopa shouted. He stomped his foot on the ground like a child before his eyes glowed a bright pink.

Diakga widened his eyes when countless shards of rock were sent in his direction, using his speed, he began dodging them like a blur.

Dialga then heard a cry of fear as he turned to see that three girls that appeared to be around his age in appearance.

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